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Harry and Mare were walking together. They were walking down a corridor, and at the end of which corridor was a metal fence that overlooked a huge coliseum. Harry was wearing black pants and a vest without a jacket, a white shirt under the vest and a green tie. A small pin with the emblem of Ainz Ooal Gown was in the collar of his shirt.

"Health Potion?", asked Mare, who was with his typical clothing of a white skirt and a white vest with a blue dragon scaled bodysuit under the vest and the small green cape. In his hands wears white gloves. Normally you will see him carrying a wood staff.

"Check", said Harry, walking next to the Dark Elf.

"Magic Potion?"



"I don't know. Why should we be needed? You are coming with us, but yeah. I have it", said Harry.

"Well... you know... Momonga-sama sent us to do this mission", said the Dark elf and then he turned to Harry and with seriousness, he could muster, he said, "We should not fail".

To anyone, the face of Mare would look like a small child trying to be serious. But to Harry, the face gave him reassurance. He knew that he was the weakest out of the three participating in the mission.

"We won't. Just be more at ease, would you?" said Harry while smiling. Mare only nodded to him and continued walking.

In their walk to the fence, they started to hear two voices talking to each other. Then they realized that they were not talking to each other but discussing... fighting?

When the fence opened automatically when they approached it, they could see that in the centre of the coliseum were Aura and Shalltear in their typical fight. Harry only faced palmed, and Mare giggled nervously.

"I should be going there. I should be able to tame the three-headed dog", screamed Aura, which was heard by Harry, who was walking with Mare in their direction.

"Well, it seems that your services are not required. With me, Mare and the chibisuke are enough", said Shalltear. "Ara, ara. It seems that you overestimate yourself".

Aura was red for the anger, "you won't be able to bring the dog without a scratch. I bet that it will be coming with a head or two".

"Oh really? And what is what you want to lose so desperately?" said Shalltear in a mocking tone.

"Ok, stop, stop!" screamed Harry so he could be heard by both of them.

"You stay out of this!!" both females screamed at the same time.

"So, you don't mind me going with Momonga-sama and telling him about this? I wonder how will be reacting about the bet", said Harry while walking back to the corridor from where he came.

"Wait!" both girls said. Harry only smiled when and turn back to them. Mare was giggling for the whole scenario. Harry may be the weakest of all of them, but he was the only one who could stop the fights between Aura and Shalltear, besides Demiurge, Albedo and Cocytus.

"Now. It is almost time. Aura-sama, please stay alert, the three-headed dog should be dealt with first, and it will be sent here. And I assure you that Mare and I are going to assist Shalltear, so the dog will keep all of its heads", said Harry while bowing to her.

Aura laughed, and Shalltear got angry at Harry's comment. But Harry did not take the importance of it.

"We are moving now!" screamed Shalltear. Mare took an invisibility cape. Mare's cape was made inside Nazarick, after making some investigations about Harry's cape.

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