House Sorting

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"Firs' years! Firs' years over here! All right there, Harry?" said Hagrid.

The half-giant was in charge to help the new students to can go to the school. Hagrid loves this part of his job.

Guiding the kids to small boats, Hagrid was smiling. The boats moved by themselves to a castle. The "wow's" from many kids was heard. Harry was impressed about the size, but the impact was not as strong as the other kids.

"It needs maintenance urgently," thought Harry. "Magic can only help so far, but if they keep doing reparations only with magic, this place will be a nightmare, sooner or later".

The boats were slow, as it was their mission to impress the kids with the view. The trip that could have been for only a couple of minutes lasted almost 30 minutes.

Harry tried to recognize the architecture of the castle. "It may be a gothic style," thought Harry, but the lack of saturation of ornaments made him think that it was not the case.

Hermione, who was in the same boat, said, "The castle was built back in 993. I read about it in Hogwarts: A history."

Harry heard her and said, "Well that means that they used a Romanesque style for it. But due to the size of it, I will say that they also get some inspiration from the gothic style". Hermione looked at him and then turned again to the castle, like scanning it all over, "you may be right", said the girl while nodding.

Neville, whose toad was given back by Hagrid, was also in the same boat. He heard the small conversation between Harry and Hermione but understood nothing. Ron was also in the same boat, but he didn't put attention, he was looking at the castle.

The kids entered the castle in a passage, that only can be described as a "backdoor". Harry could not help but think that they have not updated the castle since its construction.

When they got out of the boats, the half-giant knocked on the door three times. When the door opened, the person behind was Professor McGonagall.

Hagrid made a smile and said, "The firs' years, Professor McGonagall". The professor thanked him and took the lead from there.

Professor McGonagall guided them inside the castle. While she was walking, some kids were amazed by the size of the entrance hall. Harry, could not help but compare it with the house he lives in, which was bigger, so he was not that impressed. Still, He reaffirmed his guess about the architecture style.

When they were close to another door, this time it was a big one. The professor turned to see all the new students. Harry could hear some voices behind the door, so he guessed that the next room was where the students assemble for special events.

"Welcome to Hogwarts", said Professor McGonagall. "The term always opens with a banquet, which will start shortly. But before you sit in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses", said the professor while scanning the students.

Once she got the attention of all the kids she continued, "the sorting of your house is very important, as the house will become something like your family in Hogwarts. You will take classes, sleep in the house dorms, and spend free time in your house common room."

Harry looked at the other students and found different reactions. Draco was with a smirk and confidence. Hermione was with a stern look, like if she was determined to do something, and in contrast, Neville and Ron looked like they were looking into their doom.

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history, and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards", the professor continued, "your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honour."

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