Second Report

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Harry was hugging the Hufflepuff girl when Professor McGonagall arrived. The young Slytherin student used his time before the arrival of the professor to scan the scene as fast as possible. He saw spiders run from the place and made a mental note to investigate them.

When Professor McGonagall looked at the kid that was lying on the floor. She got closed and checked and concluded that the kid was also petrified. She wanted to ask something, but the sobbing of Susan Bones made her stop.

Many students appeared, and the first big group that showed up was the Hufflepuffs. A lot of screens for what was in front of them were heard.

"There is nothing to see here. Please, go back to your respective Common room!" said the Professor aloud, then she turned to Harry, "Please, Mr Potter, could you go to Professor Dumbledore".

The Slytherin student only looked at her with a frown, 'is she doing it on purpose?' thought to himself.

"I'll go! I'll go too. I-I... I want to help in anything", said Susan. Professor McGonagall nodded, asked a prefect to call for Pomfrey, and started to walk. Susan began to walking slowly but realized that Harry was not moving, so she just turned to see him.

Harry looked at the Professor with a frown, sighed heavily and followed her.

They walked to the staircase that led them to the Headmaster, Harry, behind the other two, and while they were not looking, he cast [Lesser Mind Protection] on himself. After that, he walked faster to get close to Susan, who grabbed his sleeve.

Professor McGonagall opened the door, and the same chaotic room welcomed the students. The Professor turned back to the students, "I'll need to go back and help Pomfrey. Please tell the Headmaster about everything you saw."

Once, the Gryffindor head of house left, closing the door behind her. The Headmaster seemed not at the moment, but Harry was still curious. Things were in the same place and the same position as last time. Harry wonders if the Professor did not do anything inside; maybe it is just a test to see how to approach him, in which case he had already made the path on the last visit.

"Wow, what are you, cute thing?" said Susan to the Headmaster's bird. She patted it, and the bird made squealed a little. Susan smiled again, but she only momentarily smiled as the bird caught fire by itself until it ended in ashes.

Susan's eyes started to cry again. Harry was close, and she used his shoulder to cry again. Then from the top of the room, Dumbledore walked down. "Hello, Harry, Ms Bones".

"Professor! I swear, I didn't - I" Susan was stopped by a calming Dumbledore.

"Do not worry, Ms Bones. Fawkes is a phoenix. Phoenixes burst into flame when it is time for them to die and are reborn from the ashes".

The girl calmed and turned to see the place where the bird was. She was drying her eyes, and then from the ashes, a small bird emerged. A newborn bird with no feathers yet.

"In short. We were lucky to see the life cycle before our eyes?" said Harry.

"It is a good way to word it, yes", answered the Headmaster.

Susan smiled and petted the little bird's head. The Headmaster then walked to his chair and sat. His stare was solemn, and his blue eyes were penetrating. Harry felt his spell working; he wanted to say something and lash against the attacker, but he did not. Meanwhile, the Headmaster only blinked.

Professor Dumbledore turned to see the Hufflepuff girl. Susan felt a chilling sensation towards her spine and saw Harry, who had a relaxed face. Both students sat in front of the Headmaster.

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