Crumple-horned snorckak clue?

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Luna Lovegood's first week was not what she had hoped for. At first, it was good, as she thought she could make some friends, but they never stayed all day with her. She respects when people do not think like her. It is diversity, after all, that makes the world beautiful, and she likes it better when people respectfully decline her point of view. There had been instances when she and her father were attacked because they wanted to investigate things others didn't.

She was okay with her situation, but that doesn't mean she liked it. She was alone in a castle, way far away from her house, from her father. The only person closer enough to a friend while growing up, Ginny Weasley, was not sharing time with her. They were not as close as real friends, but it was the closest she had.

Luna's first impression of the castle made her wonder about its secrets. It was like entering into another world. But now, made her remember her father and especially her mother. She could not help but try to find the spots her mother told her about, the locations where she found the most extravagant creatures. And the most extravagant creature her mother found was her father.

In her first week, Luna heard the name of Harry Suzuki. She remembered that he visited her house. Her father told her that he had invited them to his own house, and they might see him during the winter break. All she knew about him was what her father told her about him: a very cunning and intelligent person.

She saw Harry walking while everybody reacted to him. Some of them looked at him with admiration, others with fear.

Luna realised that although he didn't like the attention, he seemed used to it. She noticed Harry looking at the people's faces in a quick glance, and every time he received any kind of attention from the people not close to him, he tried to evade the contact. When the interaction is inevitable, he just smiles, nods and ends the conversation as quickly and politely as possible.

Luna got interested in him. Not romantically, or at least she doesn't think. She has never had that kind of feeling for anyone, so she is not entirely sure. But his actions sometimes contrast, as if every step was planned, and he follows it, even when he is uncomfortable with it. An inquisitive person. He would be the person who would do something so spectacular, only for him not wanting to get the attention, and still receive it with a smile. A fascinating person.

Harry had realised on occasion that Luna was looking at him and greeted her with a nod and a smile. Luna typically answers the same way.

Pansy Parkinson, on the other hand, unlike Harry, likes attention and is always frowning when she looks at her. Luna is worried about her, as she realised she has a very dangerous case of Wrackspurts and Nargles infestation around her.

Having one of them can be problematic, but together, it can make people do crazy things. Luna had thought about the necessity of sending a letter to her Daddy to ask him to publish information about it. This could prevent a tragedy in the making.

Around Harry are more people with similar problems, but none like Pansy. A Gryffindor girl sometimes went with them, and she is clearer than the others, occasionally some Hufflepuffs, but they are no longer with them. She would need to observe him a little more if she wanted to really know the possible Quibbler friend.

While not perfect, her days were fine and exciting, except for the attacks. Obviously, she has an idea of what may be happening. Maybe they were Heliopaths; it was known that one of their attacks was the use of her litmus body to produce different colours in fast suspension, a beautiful view, but also dangerous.

She would have gone and investigated it, but her father told her she should not. She understood the dangers, but this was an excellent movement to study them. Especially if the Ministry is breeding them and probably would use them to attack them. Or maybe they are using them to attack those who are fighting against them.

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