Second attack

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Pandora misses the great tomb of Nazarick, especially the Treasury Room, which has all the items that the Supreme beings deem important. Although his current post is not as bad, he is taken care of by everyone and admired by anyone, young and old, human or not. It was evident to him that it would happen, not because he had a big ego, but because he was created by the leader of the Supreme Beings, Momonga-sama.

His charisma as a human cat has excellent perks, and one of them is that he doesn't have to walk to move and doesn't need to do anything special to hear the latest information. He is currently being held by a young lady student who is part of the Gryffindor house. She at first screamed with a high-pitched voice and tried to hang him.

Obviously, Pandora escaped the attack, but when he saw her face, he recognized that she was not trying to harm him, so when she approached him gentler, he left himself to be carried by the girl.

Currently, he is in the Gryffindor's girl room, specifically the one for the 2nd year. Kellah and Fay were doing their homework but stopped when they saw the cat. They walked close to the girl holding it, "what a strange cat", said Fay. "Adorable, though. Who's the cat's owner, Brown?" asked Kellah.

"Call me Lavander! I have told you hundreds of times. Brown made me think like a professor is calling me", said the girl while holding the cat.

Kellah shook her head and kept petting the cat. Fay only sighed, "Lavender, could you tell us who's the owner?"

"Sorry, I can't. I don't know myself", answered Lavender.

Pandora had the urge to let the know, "Nya nyaanya-nyaa. Nyaa ny nya nyaanya, nyanya nya nyaanya nya nyanyaaanya-nyanya" (Hello ladies. If you must know, my owner is Momonga-sama.)

"Ow, he is telling us who he is, right?" said Kellah while caressing Pandora's chin. The girls were smiling when Parvati entered the room.

The Indian girl was about to take something from her bed when she saw the cat. "Who's that cat, Lav?" The pink lover only shrugged.

Parvati looked at the cat and noticed the weird face, the neck, and the hat. "Who put a necktie and hat in a cat?" asked the Indian girl and proceeded to search for a name. "Maybe inside the ha-"SLAP

Everyone looked at the cat and Parvati's hand. They just saw how the cat slapped her hand. "Maybe the cat thought you wanted to play", said Fay.

Parvati tried again, and they only heard 'SLAP' when the cat used her pow to move the Indian hand from his hat.

When the girl tried to do it again, Pandora thought for a fraction of a second about his instructions from Momonga-sama, 'Listen carefully, Pandora. I love you as the son you are, but you must help your adoptive little brother. You should protect him and his comrades in the Magic school. But overall, you need to act like a human cat, but not be afraid. I have a videotape with recordings of human cats so you can copy their behaviour'.

Although in the memory of Pandora's actor, the behaviour of the supreme being was exaggerated, the information was correct, so he decided to act like a typical cat.

"Ouch!" screamed Parvati when the cat scratched her hand with its claws. Her doormat got closer and saw the hand that started to bleed.

The Indian girl became angry and tried to grab the cat, but Lavander moved it away to protect the cat.

"Give me that cat!" yelled Parvati. But the pink lover protected the cat.

Meanwhile, the other students looked at the scene worriedly, screaming, "Let it go!" "We should check your hand", and "Not my bed!"

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