Basilisk's end

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The day was just like any other day at Hogwarts for Moaning Myrtle, except that she had nothing more exciting than ghostly duties to look forward to. She could hear her moans echoing off the stone walls as she floated through the stalls. Suddenly, her attention was caught by a flash of red hair in the girls' bathroom. It was a girl she didn't recognize; her walk was unusual as if she were fighting against every step. Tears streamed down her cheeks, yet her expression remained stoic. Myrtle, curious despite her perpetual melancholy, floated closer, attempting to engage the girl in conversation.

"Why, hello there," Myrtle wanted to say, but what she shouted was an angry "Who's there?!" and her voice echoed off the tiled walls.

Without looking at Myrtle, the girl answered in a grave voice that sounded unnatural for the girl, "Mind your own business, ghost." The voice was somehow familiar to Myrtle. The redhead girl had red pupils, which made Myrtle wonder.

Undeterred by the girl's hostility, Myrtle persisted. "I only wished to offer some comfort, dear. I know what it's like to feel lost and alone." Or was what she wanted to say, but her voice yelled, "You are in my bathroom!"

But the girl's response was almost demoniac, "Get lost!"

With a sigh, Myrtle withdrew, drifting away to the far end of the bathroom. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Something wasn't right.

Restless, Myrtle decided to explore the other bathrooms in the castle, hoping to find solace in some students' scared screams. Yet, to her surprise, each bathroom she visited was eerily empty. It was as if the entire student body had vanished into thin air.

She visited every bathroom, even those exclusively for the Perfects. The only ones she did not go to were the bathrooms in the Common Rooms, as the other ghosts banned her from them. Puzzled and more than a little unnerved, Myrtle hurried back to her own bathroom once again, only to find it empty. It had already passed some couple of hours, so she supposed that it would be empty again, but as she entered, her eyes widened in astonishment.

There, in the center of the bathroom, a girl materialized. She was unlike any other girl she had ever seen before. Then she was a mesmerizing sight, her appearance striking and her demeanor poised with an air of quiet authority. Her red-gold, straight, long hair. She wore a Ravenclaw uniform and an eyepatch over her left eye, while her right eye was in emerald color and a pupil in the shape of a target mark. Her face looked very delicate as if it had been artificially crafted by hand.

Myrtle hovered closer, her curiosity piqued. But before she could do anything, the bathroom door burst open, and from it emerged two Slytherin boys, judging from their robes. One of them had black hair, and the other blonde, both quite handsome in Myrtle's book. Then, out of thin air, the girl in Ravenclaw uniform took what appeared to be a muggle weapon and pointed it at the blonde boy.

The blonde boy was still gasping for air after the running, but when he looked up, he saw a muggle gun pointing at his face. "Aaah" yelled the blonde boy and fell on his ass.

"Wait Chizu. He is Draco, he is with us," said the black hair boy.

The girl put down her weapon and turned to the black-haired boy, "understood." Then, just as suddenly, the weapon appeared, and it disappeared. "A suggestion, Ry-chan. You should give proper information about our allies and also suggest a better place to meet. Currently, this place is under the vigilance of an undead, more specifically, a ghost."

"That would be Moaning Myrtle, I believe. And I would take your suggestion. Unfortunately, this was more like a sudden change of plan," replied Harry before turning and helping Draco stand up.

Draco took his hand hesitantly but kept his distance from the Ravenclaw girl. "Who is that, Suzuki? Why was she pointing at me with a muggle weapon? Why..."

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