A new perspective

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Pansy was bored and uncomfortable. She was sitting on a sofa in the Malfoy Manor. She wished to be in the Suzuki Mansion celebrating Harry's birthday, but unfortunately, their family was 'invited' for a dinner. She already knows that this reunion is because of their business association with the Suzuki's, who are catalogued as blood traitors.

'Is father trying to make the association as a business only, or are they really going to cross the line?' asked Pansy to herself. In her mind, she believes that the move was rather bold, but the possibility of the association with the Suzuki family, who has a presence in all the muggle world, was something that only a fool could pass on. She despites the idea of becoming a Muggle lover, but control over them is not a bad idea. That is something Pansy believes that the Pure-blood faction is unable to see. 'How the Muggles revered the Suzuki's and their products. How even laws are blended so they can walk freely. How wizards should rule over them. That's how the wizards should be treated, we should not be hiding' thought Pansy.

In the same room were Goyle and Crabbe. They were talking about the latest Quidditch game. The noise of their talk is not what Pansy is making uncomfortable, she was already used to them. What is making feel that way was that Nott was sitting in front of her. The young shy kid has been looking at her when he thinks she is distracted, and the worst is that he was looking at her legs.

Nott has never talked to Pansy in the past, and that day is the first time he ever said a word to her. With a stiff body and red face, he only said, "Hi, Miss Parkinson". To Pansy, the worst was not Theodore Nott but his father, Thaddeus Nott.

When Mr Nott smiled at her, it made her feel bad, as if she was going to be sold. She only hoped that her classmate won't be like his father, but she could swear that he was already like him. The guy was a creep in Pansy's eyes.

Vincent and Gregory got close to Pansy when they noted that Theodore was looking at her legs when she was trying to read a book. They stood in front of her to block Nott's view.

Pansy raised her gaze to see the young bodyguards and raised one eyebrow. She could only chuckle at the scene. "I really wonder why you are not in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. No offence", said Pansy to both.

"Why are you not on Harry's birthday?" asked Vincent.

Pansy put her book down and answered, "for the same reason you two are here".

"I really don't know why we are here. I mean... I know why we are in this room, but.... I mean, why come to the manor... I mean, I know why we..."

"I get it", cut Pansy with a sigh. "Did you two go to the new library?"

Both bodyguards shook their heads. Pansy lamented her question.

"Right, my bad for asking you that. Very well... Did you know about the new broom?" asked Pansy.

"Oh yeah," both answered. "I heard that they are making rule adjustments in the Quidditch rules only because of it", said Gregory very fast.

"Oh, you mean for their 'pro' model? Yeah, the first rule changed in centuries. I think it was two centuries ago, the last time they made the last change", said Crabbe.

"Yes yes, that one", said Pansy to stop their enthusiasm. "Well, the manufacturer company belongs to Harry's family. And, my family helped them establish the said company. That's why we co-own it with the Suzukis".

Both bodyguards nodded at her. Pansy looked at them, and even when they were nodding, she was undoubtedly secure that they didn't get it. "You know that Harry's family lives in the Muggle area, right?"

"Ye-yeah", said Vincent.

"So, they know that they are classified as 'blood traitors'. For that, and because my family helped them open some businesses, my family is also listed as 'blood traitors'".

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