Quidditch and Mudbloods

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The days after the incident at the Defense Against the Dark Arts class were difficult to describe to Harry. Even in his own group, there is a distance between him and Zabini and Bulstrode; only Pansy walks close to him.

The rumours of him walking out from the transfiguration class also spread like wildfire. Some students looked at him like a hero. Some upper classmates looked at him with curiosity as he used a powerful spell, learned only in the seventh year, and only to those with specific careers in mind, such as Aurors.

Hermione was one of the few who did not change. In fact, after the class was over and her shock was over, she walked directly to Harry to yell at him for using a dangerous spell. A spell is categorized as advanced.

"You could have burned one of the pixies! You could have killed one of us. Worst! You could have set the castle on fire!" yelled Hermione in Harry's face.

Harry only smiled at his friend's antiques, putting the school before the well-being of people, "But it did not happen".

Although Pansy and Hermione understood why he was smiling, the rest of the class thought he was smiling for a superiority complex.

"Crazy, those two, I tell you", whispered Ron to Neville, who sat next to him, while he nodded nervously.


Draco experienced a slight change in how the school started to work after the incident. The Gryffindors and the Hufflepuffs now look afraid of the Slytherins, which was good. Everyone in the school should respect the Slytherins. That's how the status quo should be.

The only odd may be a blonde Ravenclaw girl who occasionally looked at Harry, but not with fear or admiration. It was weird to describe to him.

But outside of that, everything was right.

Draco walked alongside Daphne. For others, it would seem that they are close. Still, they are merely walking together and almost not recognizing the presence of the other.

It was finally the third week of September. Draco was waiting this day to eventually go to the tryouts for the Quidditch team. He loved the game and was eager to demonstrate his abilities.

His father wanted to help him by giving the team a set of Nimbus 2001. But the plan failed when the team was already given 6 Pro PeroPeronchino brooms by the Suzuki company. Draco had already received a letter from home asking him to be part of the team and use his own broom.

He wasn't needed to be told twice. Draco had a childhood dream of playing Quidditch and raised a cup. Those dreams had changed every time he saw an amazing player. He wanted to imitate him. For that reason, he felt he could play any position. Of course, he wanted the spotlight, but the seeker position was already taken by Harry. That is why he is now aiming for the Chaser position.

While walking to the Quidditch field, with Nott behind and Daphne next to him, he saw a familiar face from Gryffindor.

"Hi, Draco. Long time without talking", said Hermione with a smile. Daphne rolled her eyes when she saw the big-toothed girl.

Draco was about the answer, but Theodore Nott beat him and said, "who do you think you are, talking with one of us, Mudblood!"

Hermione and Draco frowned; Daphne only stepped away. When Hermione was about to retort, Professor Snape showed up.

"What is happening here?" said the professor in a clear and calm voice, so everyone heard.

"Nothing, professor. Just giving directions to this Gryffindor to where to go, as she seems lost", said Nott.

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