Pansy's mission

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Pansy was standing behind the doors of the Great Hall. Her heart pounded with anticipation if not dread. Suddenly, an urge to go elsewhere was all over her, but she couldn't move. The day before, in the evening, she received a letter from her parents with instructions. She did not want to follow such instructions but could do nothing but follow what she was told to do. She swallowed her nerves, entered the hall, and walked to the Slytherin table, trying to be as normal as she could be.

The hall was packed, buzzing with students talking to each other. The only exceptions were in the Gryffindor table, in the area where the second years were sitting. Dean was seated without eating, and Seamus was trying to cheer him. Lavender and the other Gryffindor's first years were silently eating. Even Ron was calmer than usual, not eating at his regular speed.

The Headmaster then stood up and called for the attention of all the students, "My dear students, faculty, and staff," Dumbledore began. "It is with a heavy heart that I must address you today. As many of you are aware, our school has been afflicted by an unfortunate event."

A collective intake of breath rippled through the assembled crowd, anticipation hanging thick in the air.

"It grieves me deeply to inform you that Miss Hermione Granger, a bright and beloved member of the Gryffindor house, has been found petrified," Dumbledore continued.

Gasps of shock and disbelief filled the Great Hall as the news sank in. Students exchanged worried glances, their expressions a mixture of fear and concern.

"In light of recent events, I am implementing new safety measures," Dumbledore announced his voice firm. "Effective immediately, students are not to wander the halls unaccompanied. They must be supervised by a teacher or a prefect at all times. After class, they will be escorted to their respective common rooms. If they require access to the library, they must first approach an available prefect in their common room for assistance."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in, his gaze sweeping across the sea of faces before him.

"I understand that these changes may seem drastic, but the safety and well-being of our students are paramount," Dumbledore continued, his tone unwavering. "We must remain vigilant and united in the face of adversity. Together, we shall overcome these dark times and emerge stronger than ever before."

With those final words, Dumbledore concluded his address. The Great Hall remained silent, the solemnity of the moment weighing heavily upon the hearts of all who witnessed it. Suddenly, a single person stood up, taking the attention of everyone present.

Steeling herself against the tremors coursing through her limbs, Pansy Parkinson took a deep breath and looked to the front, where the professors were sitting, and then she started to walk in that direction.

As Pansy neared the high table where Dumbledore presided, she could feel the other students' stares burning holes in her robes. She tried to ignore them, focusing instead on the man that has become either a target or a trampoline. Her hands gripped the parchment clutched in her fist tightly enough to leave imprints.

When she finally stood before him, she said, "Headmaster Dumbledore, I want to know the reason why you have not purchased the Restorative Draught for the petrified students." Her nervousness and hatred for the position she found herself in made her speak with a touch of bitterness in her tone that not even she could hide.

Unsurprised by her ire, Dumbledore answered, "Miss Parkinson, rest assured that the school is working tirelessly to procure the Draught. Its cost is exorbitant, and while we would love nothing more than to provide immediate relief, we must also ensure that funds are allocated wisely. Not only that. Due to the –". Before the Headmaster could explain that creating the Potion inside Hogwarts was safer, Pansy cut him.

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