Letter of Hogwarts

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Hagrid is getting ready on his motorcycle. Next to him is professor McGonagall and Dumbledore. The half-giant was anxious to go and see Harry.

"Please be careful. His Muggle family works in the security business, so you should not do anything suspicious", said Professor McGonagall.

"They are Muggles, I don' think they can do anythin' to me. But don' worry, I'll be careful," said Hagrid, while he was putting his glasses on he said, "Do you thin' he'll recognize me?"

Dumbledore chuckled a little. Then the witch said, "I still don't understand why we can not wait so I can go myself".

"Cause you wan' to go in alphabetic orde'. If we go that way we'll have to wait way too much. His name now appeared in the S". said the half-giant.

"Calm down Hagrid. Now, do you have the letter?" asked Dumbledore. Hagrid answered patting his coat pouch. "Very well. Remember to explain the situation to his new family. They are not blood-related, but they took care of him for so long, so they become his new family."

"Aye", answered Hagrid.




Ainz Ooal Gown is the name of the company that Satorou Suzuki founded. It has only 9 years, but it is already one of the most important companies in the world. Security is their main branch, but they are now even in the entertainment industry. Libraries, Record labels, TV producers, and Game development.

Their influence is even getting bigger in many countries. Because of this, the mansion can have security with guns. Special permission was given by the government.

Machines scan the perimeter, the ground, and the skies. CZ is the one that takes care of the security outside the mansion.

Normally it is a very peaceful job. She can also have time to play with Harry from time to time. The pity attempts of robbery have always ended very fast. Just one bullet to the person is enough. She was told that she could not kill them, so she has always aimed at the legs.

Sometimes CZ gets a bit jealous of Lopusregina. She is in charge of Harry's protection outside the mansion. She goes with him to the school as his "private maid". In 6 months, 4 different attempts of kidnapping happened. All were stopped by Lopusregina with violence and a big smile.

CZ was told by Harry that it was because the school is the main point for kidnappers to attack as all the kids come from families with a lot of money.

CZ can not show any kind of emotion, as she is an automaton or gynoid. Still, she was jealous. She wanted to have more work. It is boring for her when she doesn't do anything.

Suddenly the radar showed that they found a possible trespasser that came from the skies. Anyone else will think that is a bird, as the detector still needs some calibration. But CZ will always check the information. Failure is not an option.

Weird enough, the cameras showed a man riding a motorcycle in the skies. Because the trespasser was using a vehicle, CZ used the radio and asked him to leave. She did it three times, and she never received an answer.

After the third attempt of communication, she opened fire. The man started to make evasive maneuvers. She was happy that it had passed three seconds and that person had not given up or fallen. A new record.

Unfortunately for the man, CZ does not want to have a record of failing attempts. She aimed at the gasoline tank of the motorcycle. After she pressed the trigger, a small explosion happened, and the man fell heavily to the ground.

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