Interlude/Omake Better commentators

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Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan took their seats, and next to them sat the rest of Gryffindor from their year. The place was getting cramped really fast, as the whole 2nd year from Gryffindor decided to support their housemate, Ron.

Dean may not be too fond of him, but the youngest Weasley boy improved his behaviour around Hermione. The dark-skinned Gryffindor looked around and found Hermione sitting in the area for parents, next to Crabbe and Goyle and in front of a blonde man.

Seamus elbowed Dean, "so, you think you already understand Quidditch?".

Dean was about the answer when the Gryffindors started to clap and whistle. When Seamus and Dean turned to see what was happening, they saw Lee Jordan walking to the commentator's seat.

Dean rolled his eyes and said, "I know enough Quidditch to tell you that he sucks at commenting".

Seamus chuckled, "well, that is not too difficult."

"Oh, would you mind doing it? I have never seen a Quidditch game before!" said Colin Creeve enthusiastically, who appeared in front of them.

"Ah... Sure, why not? It could be fun. Seamus, you want to tag?" asked Thomas to his friend.

"Why me? You just need one person to do it".

"Well, I was thinking of trying to do it as it was football. You know, they normally have a commentator, and the other giving more technical analysis."

The eyes of calling opened wide and shone, "that would be amazing!"

Seamus saw the tiny kid, and even when he tried to say no, his answer was, "sure".

The Irish student turned to his friend and said, "man, he looked like a little cat for a moment". Dean only nodded.

After that, Colin sat close to them. Dean cleared his throat and started his try of commenting.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this beautiful day in Hogwarts Quidditch pitch. Today the first game of the season, the lions of Gryffindor go against the snakes of Slytherin."

"I am accompanied by my great friend Seamus Finnigan."

Seamus only turned to Dean, but he realized that Colin and Dean were looking at him like they were waiting for him.

Finnigan does know about football, but he prefers Quidditch. In fact, he enjoys playing football but not watching it like his father. This is due to his father being a rather passionate fanatic of Shamrock.

"Ah, hello, everyone? I am Seamus Finnigan, and I will be helping in the analysis."

Colin smiled and turned to the pitch.

"Today, we have the debut of two players. Draco Malfoy for the Slytherins and the Gryffindors, the youngest Weasley boy. We are watching history, first time in three years with three Weasleys playing for Gryffindor," said Dean.

"Something to say about the game, Seamus? What can we wait to happen?" asked Dean.

"Well. The Gryffindors have to check on Draco, who uses a Nimbus 2001. The rest of the Slytherins use a Pro PeroPeronchino, so their speed will depend on the riders."

"It seems like a disadvantage, especially when the Gryffindor team does not have the fastest brooms."

"If Gryffindor wants to win, they need a good attacking plan", said Seamus, sincerely forgetting about the whole commentator thing.

"True", said Dean thinking that Seamus had entered his analyst persona.

In the middle of the pitch were the two teams. And finally, the game started.

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