New Alliances

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Harry looked at the window of the limousine and saw only grass. All around was grass, without a real path that can let them know if they are driving in the right direction. Obviously, Harry was not worried of the driver had lost his direction. But he was surprised that somebody would like to live so far away.

Then the limousine turned left, and the Suzuki heir finally saw the place he was going to visit. He has previously sent an owl to make an appointment with the house owner. A house with a shape of a chess piece, a rook. The young boy left the car and knocked at the door.

He heard some steps from inside, and while waiting for them to open, he looked at the fruits that were on the sides. On the door, it read, 'Pick Your own Mistletoe' which made Harry step back to see the plant. Another sign on the door read, 'Editor of the Quibbler'. The oddity of the house was fast enough acknowledged.

Finally, the door was opened from the half up. "Yes?" said a blond man with a smile, although under his eyes were some bags.

"Hello. I am Suzuki, Harry. I owled you a while ago about..." Harry was interrupted when the man closed the half up, and suddenly he opened the door in full.

"Yes, yes. I remember. Please, come I, come in", said fast and with energy the man.

Inside the house, Harry realized the cylindrical shape. Over a table was a cup, which was taken by the man who took a sip. The man was dressed in some formal pants, a colourful robe, and wearing a neckless that took Harry's attention. While Harry was dressed in a more formal robe in black and white.

"Tea?" asked the man, and Harry accepted with a single nod. The man took a cup with a different design from the one he was using and served the tea. Harry took the cup, and the man offered him to sit.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr Lovegood...", "Xenophilius, please call me Xenophilius", interrupted the man.

"Very well, Mr Xenophilius. Let me introduce myself officially. My name is Harry Suzuki. You can call me Harry if you so desire", said Harry with a little bow, and the man made the same gesture in return.

"Normally, I would decline any contact from a big company. But my little Moon told me that you were different", said Mr Xenophilius, and Harry noted the way he said the words.

"So, if we can tell me first about how you met 'The Quibbler'?"

Harry nodded after taking a sip of his tea, "I grew up with my parents on the non-wizard side of the world. When I was told that I should also interact with this side of the world, I decided to search for information. I find 'The Quibbler' with interesting articles, doing what no other publications do, sharing investigations."

Xenophilius smiled and looked at Harry. The Slytherin kid took another sip of his tea and continued, "I would lie if I say that I concur with all of them. In my perspective, some of them need to check their source. But outside of that, the magazine does a good job by giving different perspectives."

The man looked again at the young kid in front of him and smiled. Suddenly the man started to clap and laugh, "amazing, amazing. Either you are the purest person in the world or the best liar that has ever existed. Either way, I know why you were selected to convince me. A wonderful Slytherin, or a great Ravenclaw".

Harry remained calm and drank the tea again. "Unfortunately, I have to tell you that I won't be selling my newspaper, or Magazine as you call it", said the man, a little more composed.

Harry smirked at the man, "but I did not come here to buy the magazine. Well, not exactly."

It was now the man who took the sip from his tea, "Oh! Would you please tell me, then, what is the proposition I would need to decline?"

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