Asking for help

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Thanks to the Quidditch training, Harry had some time alone. He wanted to continue investigating the castle, but he was normally surrounded by somebody, making it difficult for him to can rummage around the castle. His only option is to send a summoned monster, but the only time he could be before going to bed. Now, because he is the only first year in the Quidditch team, he can summon the monster while nobody is watching when training.

After 3 weeks of searching, there was information that needed to be shared with Albedo and Demiurge. Harry was planning to excuse himself to search for Crabbe, but before he could do that, a question was raised about his behaviour.

"I had wanted to ask you something", said Pansy to Harry while both were eating breakfast, "I have not seen you receive or send any letter to your family". Pansy was looking at Harry like trying to gain something from him.

She has been around him due to his popularity and nothing else, but she felt uneasy around him. When another student told her that the Suzuki family owns a company in the Muggle world, she thought that her feelings were some kind of predictions about it. It all made sense in her mind, "the way he behaves is not like any other Slytherin, and his willingness to help a mud-blood like Granger".

"Even the mud-bloods have already contacted their families", said Pansy thinking that she had corned Harry. Instead, he chuckled a little and answered, "Are you a Legilimen? I was thinking to ask someone to lend me an owl".

Harry turned to see Pansy in the eyes and smiled at her, and the uneasiness came back to Pansy at that moment. "The acceptance letter said that we can bring either a frog, a cat or an owl. I decided to bring my cat Pandora, so I arrived without an owl".

Pansy, unable to stay with Harry's eyes over her, she turned to see her breakfast. "May I ask you for your assistance in that regard? I already wrote a letter," asked Harry, and it was answered with a nod. Harry smirked and made a quick look around. He saw that the headmaster nodded to Professor Snape, who stood up and left the hall.

Once both finished their breakfast, both of them went back to the Slytherin common room. When Harry arrived at the boy's bedroom, he realized that his letter was read. With a simple trick, Harry was able to tell that someone had opened his letter. He had folded the edge of the sheet to serve as a fastener and to keep it folded. But the sheet was unfolded. Harry only smirked about the situation.

When Harry went back to the common room he had the letter in his hand and a brown cat on his shoulder. The cat was small, with a strange peach black eye, and wearing a green hat.

"Pansy, let me present you my cat, Pandora", said Harry. Pansy was sitting on a couch and looked at the cat. Suppressing her urges to hug and cuddle the cat with all her strength. Pansy only looked at the cat jumping from Harry's shoulder to the armrest of the couch.

"Nya nya nyaa, nya nya nya nyaaaaa. nyanya Nyanyaaa Nyanya. Nyanya nya nya," (It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, lady Pansy. My name is Pandora Actor, please call me Pandora.) said the cat. Pansy could not resist any more and hugged the cat.

Harry excused himself and went to the bathroom, and once he checked he was alone, he used [Messege]. "Hi CZ-sama," said Harry, which was answered with a monotonous voice, "Hi, Harry-Kun. Good work". "Likewise," said Harry and proceeded to say his message, "I'll be sending a message using an owl. Please inform Aledo-sama and don't attack the bird". "Understood, any particular trait of the bird?" asked the maid, which was answered, "It will have paper attached to its leg". "Understood, we will be waiting for your message", said CZ.

After that conversation, Harry came back to the common room and apologized to Pansy for the waiting, but she did not care about it, as she was smiling while petting the cat's chin.

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