First Quidditch match

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After the incident with the Troll, for Hermione, the situation in her dormitory went worst. Once people knew that she was saved by Slytherins, by Draco no less, the Gryffindors stopped talking to her altogether. Even Neville, who was also saved by Harry, stopped talking to her due to the pressure of his housemates.

Hermione did not feel too much change. The only reason for them to talk to her was about homework and to ask her for notes about some class.

She passed most of her time in the library, where she can see Harry from time to time. She also began to hang out with him and his small group on weekends.

Draco seems to be tolerant towards her. Crabbe and Goyle talked to Hermione like one of them, it was hard to find a subject to talk about, as their topics were not very interesting for Hermione. Harry is the only one that speaks with her about different themes.

The relation between Hermione and Pansy was a difficult one. They seem to hate each other but can end up having the same opinion when talking about a topic that interests both of them, especially when it comes to school teachers.

In one of their typical discussions between Hermione and Pansy, Draco approached Harry, "You have to tell Parkinson about your betrothed status with Granger".

Harry just said to Draco, "I don't see why. But either way, I am currently working on a way to end it up". At that statement, Draco frowned, but Harry didn't notice, and continued, "She's the kind of girl who doesn't want to be told what to do, so you can imagine she's not very happy with the arrangement. That's why we're working on it ". After that Draco relaxed.

Then Goyle asked Hermione, "Are you going to go to the first quidditch game of Harry?"

Hermione smiled and said, "of course!". But who are you going to cheer for? Gryffindor will be his first opponent." Said Pansy viciously.

"I will be cheering for Harry. I may need to be in the group of Gryffindor but I will cheer for him", stated Hermione while crossing her arms.

"Will see. It will be the next weekend", said Pansy.

"Are you nervous about your debut?" Crabbe was genuinely concerned.

"Not really, is only a game. Easy to play, and in my opinion, kind of boring", Harry said that while winning the glare of everyone.




The day of the game arrived. And people started to arrive at the small stadium. Parents of players were allowed to visit the school to watch the game.

Pansy was on her way to the Quidditch field to see the game when she saw a couple walking. They seem a little lost, but what took her attention was the woman's beauty. White skin, black long hair that looked like silk, a body that could not be described with another word that is not perfection.

The man that was next to that woman had short black hair. He was slim, and his skin looked tanned. He was not that handsome but neither ugly.

The couple spotted her and approached her.

"Hello. Could you help us?" said the woman with a warming smile while she was hugging the man arm. "Could you tell us where the Quidditch game will be?"

Pansy felt her whole body getting hot. She wanted to answer right away, but the woman leaned close to her and made her lose her breath for a moment.

"eh... ah... it's... ahem...", was the only thing that Pansy could say before she recovered herself. "I am sorry. The Quidditch game is in this direction", Pansy answered finally.

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