ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛𝟜 - 𝕐/𝕟 𝕧𝕤 𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕠

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I headed back up to the viewing box. I don't want to sit and wait in silence in the waiting rooms. It would be too easy for my mind to wander back to my match with Todoroki. I don't want to think about what happened out there in front of thousands of people. 

"Brat!" I heard Tamo-san say behind me. I turned around to see him still sporting his tea hat and the giant foam finger, a bit of the finger seemed burned. I wonder how that happened.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling once again at the sight. "Did you see me win? I was so awesome wasn't I," I stated proudly.

"You almost killed that candy cane. What were you thinking?" asked Tamo-san sharply. My smile faltered.

"What? Why are you worried about that? He's still alive isn't he? There was no blood staining the water! The important thing is that I won the match!" I countered, trying to push away the truth about what happened. 

"No! Have you forgotten what I we talked about? You obviously did not listen to me when I told you to be level headed! The only reason that boy is not dead is because that hero prevented you from killing him!" he shouted.

"You didn't hear what he said to me! He said that I wasn't serious about this and that I didn't deserve to be here, that I haven't put in the work!" I shouted back at him. 

"Well are you? Have you put in the work to be balanced. I have seen no evidence that you have!" said Tamo-san.

"I have done the work-" I began to defend myself.

"All I have seen is a ill tempered child running about with no discipline over her quirk or herself. How is that boy supposed to know if you have made any efforts in your training if you act like that. If you keep doing what you are doing you will only cause destruction. I thought you understood that when I told you the first time," scolded Tamo-san. I scowled at him as he paused his lecturing. He thought for a second before saying, "I am disappointed." Tamo-san spun round and left me standing in the hallway.

"That's not fair! I am not a child!" I yelled angrily after him. I didn't move from where I was. Tamo-san wasn't seeing it from my point of view. After a while, I started to tear up at little.

I was hurt by his words but what struck deep was the disappointment. Why is he disappointed in me for defending myself? It makes no sense! Is he trying to play mind-games with me? Is he trying to make me doubt myself? How dare he, especially when I am about to fight in the finals.


The final match should be starting soon. I am sure Bakugo didn't let Tokoyami linger for too long in the ring. I need to get ready to make my final appearance in the ring.

I rubbed away the tears and trudged back the way I came. My eyebrows were furrowed and my lips were drawn into a thin line of displeasure. I was clearly not in the mood to talk to anyone so I have no idea why some idiot would block my path.

"Y/n L/n," said a booming voice. 

I looked up at the taller man. When I set eyes on his face, I couldn't stop myself from scrunching up my nose in distaste. The well known hero, Endeavour, with his infamous facial fire. Seeing it up close did not help the look. It was not a... choice, for the weak of heart.

"It is quite an accomplishment to have defeated my creation. You possess quite a powerful quirk there, with some polishing it could-" he started to speak but I cut him off.

"Fuck off. I don't have anymore will power to deal with this fucking shit," I spat. I was not in the mood to listen to more talk of my quirk.

"You dare talk to me in such a-" I cut him of again.

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