ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙 - 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕧𝕚𝕝 ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕠

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It was a warm evening, the sun was getting lower in the sky and my Mum had just bought me a whipped ice-cream cone. I was holding my Dad's hand with my free one, while the one holding the ice-cream was getting sticky as the heavenly food dripped down.

We were walking through the park near my house, currently at the large lake that was located in the centre.

My parents and I sat down on a bench facing the lake and my Mum spoke up, "You know Y/n, you're almost ten years old, just two months until your birthday. Have you made any progress with practicing your quirk?"

"Well, I am getting better at being able to actually lifting water, but I am not really that strong."

"Well N/n (nick name), we both have quite weak quirks, so either way, you are still stronger than us." My Dad told me, "You see, I have the ability to heat up water, not really useful altogether."

"And my quirk is the ability to hydrate anyone immediately, which isn't that useful either, but it keeps up the moisture in my skin," my Mum added.

"Well, soon I'll be able to make water go whoosh! and splat! and I'll be even stronger! ," I said.

"I believe you, you just need to keep practicing until you are really strong and have good control, you are very lucky to have gotten a mutated version of our quirks, water manipulation," replied my Dad, "you could be a hero who is just as strong as All Might, he helps people in need and makes everyone feel safe!"

"Yeah! I want to be strong and help people. I could be your hero!' I exclaimed, looking at my parents with determination in my eyes.

"Of course you'll be our hero, we know you'll make it far in life. You've got so much potential," my Mum encouraged.

I was beaming. 'I'm going to keep Mum and Dad safe forever!' I thought.

I quickly finished my ice-cream, surprisingly not getting a brain freeze. I reached up grabbed my parents' hands, but Dad picked me up and put me on his shoulders giving me a good view of the park.

The sun was setting at this point and as we began to walk, CRASH!

Something flew past us, slamming into the trees surrounding the previously peaceful lake. A ball of light, that was so bright I had to squeeze my eyes shut, shot from the figure in the trees. I heard a loud explosion from the opposite side of the lake. I deemed it safe to open my eyes and when I did I was met with the pure and utter destruction of my surroundings.

The trees that had once been standing proudly had fallen and huge, flaming branches were sinking in the lake. Everything was on fire, it must have been from the explosion. I could feel the heat around me, it was getting warmer and more uncomfortable. There was a ginormous crater in the area where I heard the explosion. When I squinted I could see a muscly man slowly starting to rise out of the rubble. It didn't even look like he had been fazed by the attack.

The other person emerged from the trees, one glance showed me the awful, villainous appearance of him. Wide, manic eyes, darting around before landing on me. His mouth curled up into what resembled a crooked smirk as his hulking figure wobbled, trying to balance himself on the unstable ground. His eyes never left me. I was terrified, paralysed with fear.

I was yanked backwards and arms wrapped around me. I panicked for second, thrashing violently around, before I realised that my parents were shielding me from the havoc that had just taken place before me. I relaxed slightly in the safety of their embrace.

I heard Dad screaming for me and Mum to run. She picked my up and tried to flee, but I felt a rough hand grab the back of my shirt and rip me from my Mum's clutch.


"Be careful of what you do next All Might! You wouldn't want to risk hurting the child, would you?" the raspy voice of the villain threatened. He dangled me by the back of my neck in front of the hero I had been told about.

"Let her go!" screamed my Dad.

"Don't you dare touch her!" shrieked Mum.

A stared pleadingly at All Might, but he seemed frozen in place. He was staring at me. Doing nothing. How could a hero stand and watch a child be taken hostage and do nothing?

"I'll kill the girl," laughed the villain psychotically, "Then I'll kill you!"

I felt the back of my neck where the villain was gripping me begin to heat up. It began to burn. I could see the light emitting from his hand shining from behind me.

'I'm going to die' I thought. Tears pooled in my eyes as I realised that this is where it all ends. I wasn't able to be a hero for my parents. I glanced at All Might one more time, tears streaming down my cheeks as I saw he was still frozen. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the pain, who was going to save me if not All Might?

As the pain reached and unbearable level, it ceased suddenly, the villain dropped me. "AAAAHHHH!" I heard him yell. I cracked open my eyes and saw my Dad with steaming water around his hand like gloves, pressed against the villain. I could see the red hand marks already forming on the villain's skin.

To my horror, Dad was hit with a powerful punch from the villain. I could hear the crack of my Dad's ribs breaking as he flew back. He landed a few metres away from me, I could see blood seeping through his shirt. He wasn't moving.

"NO!" screeched my Mum, as she saw my unconscious Dad lying beside the lake. She had a hateful look in her eye as she charged at the evil man and clawed at his eyes. "How dare you touch my family!" she yelled.

The villain blocked her attacks by grabbing her arms, then he bent them back until I heard the sickening pop followed by my Mum's pained scream. He picked her up and threw her in the lake. I could see her struggling in agony to stay above the surface of the water with her dislocated arms.

I could do nothing as I watched her bob up and down in the water. I saw her thrash one final time before she sank. I was sobbing at this point. I had just watched the death of my Mum.

The villain approached the still, bloody body of my Dad. I tried to get up and stop him, but the pain in my neck made me dizzy, causing me to fall on my knees. "STOP!" I cried as the villain kicked my Dad into the lake, his limp body following after Mum. His blood stained the water, clouding everything red.

The Villain turned his merciless gaze towards me again. I did nothing but glare at him, all I could see was him in the red of the blood of my Dad. This man murdered my family in front of me. I had nothing to live for now. I wanted to be a hero but what was the point if the only to people that I needed to keep safe had just died, while I did nothing. I was worthless, I deserved to die, and if I died I would be able to see them again.

For the second time in one night I prepared myself for death as I watched the villain approach. My eyes fluttered shut in acceptance, but before I he reached me, the villain had collapsed.

I looked up and saw him. Now he was in red. The man who let my parents die. The man who was supposed to be a hero. Who was supposed to save everyone. The man who I now despised.

All Might

He picked me up and jumped high up into the air. I was suddenly hit with a wave of dizziness, a mixture of the pain, shock and exhaustion, causing me to pass out in the evil hero's arms.

Word Count: 1398

Hello, thanks for choosing this book, it is my first try at writing. Please tell me if there are any mistakes 😁💞

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