ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛𝟙 - 𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕠 𝕧𝕤 𝕌𝕣𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕜𝕒

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"We're going to trudge right along to the fifth match!" shouted Mic. "Even though he's wearing a belt, he won't transform! It's Yuga Aoyama from the hero course!" Aoyama walked into the centre of the ring fabulously and flicked his hair out of his face.

"Versus... Is there some sort of purpose for those things sticking out of her head? From the same class, it's Mina Ashido!" announced Present Mic. Mina strolled into the ring, stretching as she walked.

"WOOOOOHH MINA!!!" I yelled. I probably burst Bakugo's and Kiri's left eardrum; those to made the mistake of staying in front of when Mina was fighting. 

"Come on Mina, you can do it!" said Tsu.

"Don't show her any mercy Aoyama!" screeched Mineta. We all turned to look at the minuscule idiot. "I want it to be like in those video games where everyone's clothes get beaten off!"

"You pervert!" scolded Hagakure.

"Shut the fucking hell up you little piece of shit!" I screeched right back at him. How dare he say that about Mina. 

Midoriya was mumbling to himself like the sad little broccoli he is. Something about Mina having to get into close combat with Aoyama. He's not wrong but he is also talking about Mina having a disadvantage? No, Mina is much stronger than that, she'll crush Aoyama without a doubt - sorry Aoyama.

"Now, let's get started!" said Present Mic. "Fifth match, begin!" 

Aoyama immediately fired his laser at Mina. She skilfully jumped up in the air and dodged his attack. When she landed she began to do the ice skating technique I saw her using in the obstacle course with her acid.

She continued to glide around the ring, sliding below and leaping over Aoyama's laser attacks. Mina got closer and closer, avoiding a bigger laser beam from Aoyama. Aoyama seemed to freeze for a moment, maybe he reached his limit? Mina took this chance to fling acid at his belt, corroding away the material. It worked a little too well, Aoyama trousers were melted by Mina's acid and he flashed the entire audience his underwear.

To add to his humiliation, Mina, pulled a glorious finishing move. An upper cut that completely knocked Aoyama out.

"Aoyama has fainted, the winner of this match, is Ashido!" declared Midnight.

"Dang! Aoyama went down hard. That's an indisputable victory if I've ever seen one sports fans!" commented Present Mic.

"I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT MINA!!!" I cheered, probably bursting Bakugo and Kiri's second eardrum.

"Wow, Mina is amazing!" said Tsu.

We all heard Mineta grovelling in the corner. "I got to see panties, but why were they his?" he cried.

"Oh for crying out loud!" said Jirou.

Mineta continued to cry.

Up next was Momo versus Tokoyami.

"Offence and defence in one body, the dark samurai, from the hero course, Fumikage Tokoyami!" said Mic. "Versus the great creator! She was admitted because of recommendation, and I think we can all see why! Also from Class 1A, Momo Yaoyorozu!"

"Sixth match, begin!" proclaimed Present Mic.

Tokoyami released his dark shadow, which launched itself at Momo without hesitation. Momo managed to create a shield to block dark shadow's attacks. She seemed to try and create a weapon of some sorts but dark shadow was attacking her relentlessly, giving her barely enough time to think.

He battered her body backwards and then stopped suddenly. Momo took this chance to create a weapon, but then Midnight yelled,

"Yaoyorozu, you're out! This match goes to Tokoyami!" 

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