28 - First Birthday

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I was running around the house like a chicken with my head cut off.

"Paisley, honestly calm down. It's just us family here. It doesn't have to be perfect." Lisa said and I groaned.

"I know but it's Brady's first birthday and I want it to be memorable." I said.

"For who?! He isn't even going to remember it!" Scott spoke up. Shanna smacked him on his arm.

I sighed as I sat down on the couch and placed my head in my hands.

"No, he is right, Brady won't remember this, and I don't know what it matters...Chris isn't even here." I said.

"Oh, come on sweetie, he said he would be." Pat said sitting next to me.

"Do you see him? No. He is filming. I called him last night and he said he had a night shoot last night and an afternoon shoot tomorrow. He doesn't know if he will have time to be here. I planned this party on this day because it's what he asked me to do...now though he isn't even going to be here." I said as tears filled my eyes. I heard Brady waking up on the baby monitor from his room. "I'll be right back." I said getting up and heading to the nursery.


I watched Paisley leave the room as she wiped away some tears. I heard her go into the nursery on the monitor.

"Hey buddy! Everyone is here to see you." Paisley said trying to sound chipper. "Daddy would be here if he could."

I groaned and looked at Scott. "I will be right back." I said as Pat switched off the baby monitor knowing Paisley needed a minute.

"Ma, he isn't going to answer if he is working..." Scott said.

"Then he will get my wrath on his voicemail." I said and walked into the kitchen. I pulled out my cellphone and dialed his number.

"This is Chris, leave me a message and I'll call you back." His phone went directly to voicemail. I grumbled as it beeped.

"Christopher Robert Evans...you are going to miss your only son's first birthday party that you asked your wife to have on this day. You left her alone to plan, get everything done as well as take care of your son who is now on the move by the way. Crawling and pulling himself up, giving Paisley a heart attack and you aren't even here. Damnit Chris! I know filming is important and I know you signed on for these movies, but you could have asked for one day. I guess we'll see you when we see you. I love you." I said and hung up.

I know I told him I loved him. I may have been mad at him but he was still my kid and I still loved him. Paisley came walking into the kitchen with a fussy Brady. Brady saw me and reached for me.


I walked into the living room with a fussy Brady.

"Where is Lisa? He is wanting her. He was pointing to her picture in the room." I said and Shanna gave a small laugh.

"She's in the kitchen." Scott said and he tried to take Brady just to prove he could go to someone else, but Brady swatted him away.

"He wants Mimi." I verified and Scott laughed. I walked into the kitchen to Lisa putting her phone away.

"There's the birthday boy!" Lisa said and I smiled as I handed him over to her.

"You try to call Chris?" I asked and she sighed.

"I'm sorry Paisley. He didn't answer." Lisa said and I sighed.

"Yeah well, I guess I just send him tons of pictures." I said and Lisa nodded.


Everyone was keeping Brady entertained in the living room as I was getting his cake ready with a candle. I leaned my hands on the counter and hung my head. I had been trying to keep my emotions in check all day and stay upbeat for Brady. He knew Chris was missing since he was always looking for him, but he was having a good time with the family.

"What seems to be the problem Mrs. Evans..." I heard his voice say and I turned to see Chris leaning on the entryway to the kitchen. I smiled and rushed over to him and wrapped my arms around him and held on to him. Once we broke apart, he leaned in for a kiss and I smacked his chest before he could kiss me.

"What the hell Christopher?!" I asked and he sighed.

"I couldn't get out, they double booked my flight. RDJ leant me his plane when he knew I had to get out." Chris said and I smiled as Chris then leaned down and gave me a small kiss.

"I've missed you." Chris said and I nodded.

"I've missed you too. How long do I have you until?" I asked and Chris sighed.

"I have to leave at 4am." Chris said and I groaned. "I know but only a few more months." Chris continued and I just snuggled into him again and he sighed. "Hey, why don't you and Brady come with me when I leave. I have a rental and we can just all be together when I'm either on my set or just together on my days off." Chris suggested. I looked up at him.

"Really, you would want us to come?" I asked with a smile.

"My wife and kid? Of course, I do! A lot of other spouses are there so it would be perfect. They all have been dying to meet you." Chris said and I smiled.

"Let's do it!" I said and Chris leaned down and passionately kissed me.

"Hey someone is getting antsy for his daddy and his cake!" Shanna yelled from the living room and I rolled my eyes with a smile and Chris smiled at me. He leaned down giving me another passionate kiss.

"Let's go." Chris said and grabbed the cake as I lit the candle.


We arrived in New York and quickly Chris had to get to get to set but sent us to the rental house to get some more sleep. I refused and said I wanted to stay with him. He took us to his trailer and got us set up. He soon was in the cap outfit, and I bit my lower lip.

"Can I help you?" Chris asked and I smiled.

"I mean, in this suit...you can help me a lot...more out of it though." Chris said and laughed just shaking his head.

"You're bad. This may be a problem you being here." Chris said. He leaned in and passionately kissed, and I moaned as we did. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed one arm around my waist, the other cradling my cheek. We broke apart and he sighed.

"I have to go work. You think you can save that thought you have until later?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"I can try." I said. He gave me another small kiss and walked out of the trailer. I went to where I laid Brady on the bed. I moved one side of pillows and laid down with him quickly falling asleep.


We got home that night and Chris was lying on the floor playing Brady. They were laughing and having a good time. Being here with Chris was just what we all needed.

"Let's have another baby." Chris said out of the blue.

"What?!" I asked looking up from what I was doing.

"After the movie is filmed. Let's start trying for another baby." Chris said and I smiled.

"You sure? I mean you got things coming up." I said and he shrugged getting up and coming to kneel in front of me.

"Yeah, but I can bring you guys with me if we have to. I love you Paisley, I love Brady and I want to have more babies with you." Chris said and I smiled at him. Truth, was I had been wanting to broach this subject with him for a while. I wasn't sure if he was ready, but I knew I was.


"Okay?! Really?!" Chris asked excitedly.

"Really. Let's make a baby!" I said. Chris leaned up and passionately kissed me.

I was crazy right?! I was so mad at this man for not being there for Brady's first birthday and now I was talking about having another kid with him. I loved Chris and I knew I wanted a family, this was something I was going to have to compromise on. I could do it as long as I had Chris in the end, and he had me.

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