21 - It's Time

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A few days later Lisa, Carly, Shanna and I all went out baby shopping and then out to lunch. I had been seen out and about by fans and I knew pictures were being taken. I had already text Chris and let him know so he could let Megan know.

"So how are things going with you being back home with Chris?" Shanna asked after we ordered out lunch with the waiter.

"I mean it's okay. We are still sleeping separately. I know I love him, and he loves me, I also know he is sorry, but the trust is gone. He really hurt me, he could have hurt the baby." I said and the woman all nodded as I rubbed my stomach. Lisa was sitting next to me and placed her hand over mine on my stomach.

"Pais, please just give him a chance..." Lisa said.

"I gave him a chance and I moved back in. He is getting his chance right now." I said and they sighed.

"So that's how it will be. You tow living together, separate room and just making it work for the baby?" Carly asked.

"I never said that, Carly. There may come a point in time I forgive him and move back to the room but right now we agreed I would just move back into the house." I explained. Everyone sat silent for a few minutes, and I sighed.

"Have any of you really talked to him?" I asked and they all shared a looked. "Well..."

"I have." Carly said and I sighed.

"And?" I asked.

"Well, he still isn't sleeping well. You may be in the house Pais, but it's not helping him at all. There are some nights he comes to the spare room and watches you sleep. He just needs to be near you Pais." Carly said and I groaned.

"I do miss being with him some nights..." I said and they all gave a small smile.

"So, what's stopping you?" Shanna asked. I just shrugged.

"I mean I know I said trust and everything but to me that's becoming a blanket answer. He's upset, I'm upset...maybe I just need to bite the bullet and let it go." I said.

"Don't go against anything you have set for yourself. Everyone always gives in to Chris and follows what he wants because of who he is, but he needs everyone like us to keep him humble." Shanna said and I sighed with a nod. I placed my head on Lisa's shoulder since she was sitting beside me.

"Do any of you see a future with Chris and me? Not just because of the baby but a real future? Marriage, more kids...a family?" I asked.

"I do, I know Chris loves you and will want it all with you. Listen, you getting pregnant was an accident, we all know that. It just brought the future forward. The two of you are meant to be together, get married, have a family, all of it." Lisa said and I smiled looking up at her.

"You just want more grandbabies." I said as we all laughed as I lifted my head from her shoulder.

"I'm going to plead the fifth." Lisa said and we laughed as our food was delivered. As we ate, I sat and thought about how it was maybe time to move on, time to get back to normal with Chris.


Later that night I knew Chris would be late since they were doing an evening shoot. I went to go to the spare room and sighed. I couldn't do it anymore, I needed to be with him, whenever that may be for him to get home. I wanted Chris, we needed to come together. News was out there, I was going to be spotted since I refused to stay in and let everyone else enjoy this pregnancy.

I walked into Chris's room and smiled when I could smell his cologne and musk feeling instantly calm. I crawled to my side and before I could get fully comfortable, I grabbed my cellphone.

Pais: Hey, I was going to try and wait up for you but I'm pretty tired, shopping was exhausting. I'll see you when I see you...

I wasn't sure when I would get a response, but I didn't want to give away I was in his bed either. 

Chris: Yes, please go to bed Pais. Take care of you and the baby. What do you say to breakfast tomorrow at that place you love?

Pais: Won't you be tired?

Chris: If I am I will go pick it up and bring it home. We can have breakfast together. I miss you, Pais.

Pais: I miss you too...

I put my phone on the table and then got comfortable in bed. I was tired, I needed sleep, and I was finally able to drift off quickly back in the comfort of Chris's bed.


It was a couple hours after I talked to Pais, and she seemed to be coming around. Maybe soon she would even be back in bed with me, and we could both get some sleep.

I got home after filming, and it was like one am. Things went a lot later than they were supposed to and I just wanted to collapse into my bed. Once I walked in the door, I reset the alarm quickly, so it didn't wake Paisley up. I walked to the spare room first to check on Paisley and she wasn't there. I panicked...did she leave again? No, she couldn't have, we had plans for tomorrow morning, and we seemed to be getting better. I sighed and walked down to my room and looked in the bed and smiled.

There she was...sleeping...fast asleep and looked more relaxed than she had in a long time. She was under the blanket but hand a hand rested on her stomach and I smiled at this sight. I took a quick shower and then got ready for bed getting in beside her. She stirred a little and fluttered her eyes open.

"Hey...you're home." She said sleepily.

"And you're in my bed." I said and she smiled as I placed a hand on her cheek.

"It was time Chris. I miss you and I miss being with you." Paisley said and I sighed. I leaned in and gently placed my lips on hers.

"I'm happy you're back." I said and then leaned down and kissed her swollen stomach. "And you too peanut." I said and Paisley smiled.

"Would it be too much to ask for cuddles?" Paisley asked and I shook my head.

"Never, you find a comfortable position." I said and she rolled her back to my front and laid right up against me. I placed my hand over hers resting on her stomach and interlaced our fingers. This was the first night in a long time I got some of the best sleep I had ever had.

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