11 - Surprise Visitor

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I had been home from the hospital for a couple of days, and I was rarely left alone. Either Lisa, Scott or Carly was over the house watching me and taking care of me. I loved the family so much, but I just wanted to be left alone as well.

I finally was free of family today. I convinced all of them I would be okay, and I just wanted to rest and watch some tv. I even said I wouldn't overdo it. I knew when Chris got home tonight, we were finally going to videochat my parents and tell them about the baby. I wasn't sure how it was going to go but I knew it had been better than how it went with Shanna. Hell, a category four hurricane is better than how Shanna acted.

I was watching a movie on tv rubbing my stomach knowing I was getting hungry, it was almost lunch time and I got up from the couch to get ready to cook some lunch when I heard the front door open, and I groaned.

"I told you I was fine today." I chuckled as I walked towards the door, and I saw Shanna standing there.

"Hey." She said and I shook my head.

"How did you get in?" I asked.

"We all have a key to Chris's house." She said and I held out my hand and she looked at me confused.

"Give me the key, you aren't welcome here." I said and she sighed.

"Come on Pais, we have been friends too long for this." Shanna said handing me the key from her keyring.

"Friends? I didn't think we were friends anymore." I said and she groaned.

"I was mad Paisley! You have to see this where I'm coming from!" Shanna said slightly raising her voice.

"Well, I don't Shanna! I slept with you brother, the brother you wanted me with. Yeah, we slept together, and I just happened to get pregnant, but we love each other, we have for a while, so we are doing this. If you can't accept that, leave. Actually, please just leave any way. I don't need this." I said and went to walk away.

"I want to talk Paisley! Chris won't let me talk to him and I want to talk to you!" Shanna yelled and followed me as I walked to the bedroom. I shut the door and locked it. She tried the handle but couldn't get in. "Damnit Paisley, I'm not leaving. I will be in the living room when you want to be an adult and stop letting my brother run your life and talk to me." Shanna said and walked away. I walked over and sat on the bed and grabbed my phone from my pocket. I dialed his number.

"Hey this is Chris, I'm busy at the moment. Please leave me a message and I will call you back." The voicemail said and I groaned. I needed someone. I was starting to panic thinking I wasn't going to be able to get help.

I then dialed another number. It rang once before it was answered.

"I know you wanted to be left alone today but I just picked us up some lunch. Got you a meatball sub and I'm on my way over. You need to eat." Scott said and I smiled.

"Scott...Shanna is here and won't leave. She let herself in with her key." I said and I heard him groan. He knew Shanna wasn't allowed to come over.

"Where are you?" Scott asked.

"Locked in the bedroom. She is waiting in the living room. We had a small interaction." I said and started rubbing my stomach feeling a slight twinge of pain.

"You okay?" Scott asked and I sighed.

"Yeah. I think so..." I said.

"You call Chris?" Scott asked.

"Voicemail, he must be on set." I said and Scott sighed.

"Alright well I'm like five minutes away. I will knock when you can come out." Scott said and I nodded.

"Sounds good." I said and hung up. I tried calling Chris again and got his voicemail right away. I knew I needed to tell him.

"Hey babe, it's me. Um...Scott will be here in a few minutes so don't freak out, but Shanna showed up and let her herself in with the key she had to your place. Don't worry I got the key from her and when she started to get upset, I went to the room and shut and locked myself inside. Me and baby are okay. Scott is going to get her to leave. I love you and I will see you when you get home. Don't rush home and I will see you when you get here." I said and hung up. After a few minutes I heard voices, and one was Scott, and he was pissed and yelling. Soon the front door slammed, which was followed by a knock on the bedroom door, and I smiled as I opened it and saw Scott standing there.

"I have food in the car, come out to the living room and I will go get it." Scott said and I nodded. Before he walked away, he placed a hand on my cheek.

"You okay? You sure?" Scott asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I feel fine." I said and Scott just leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"I just don't want the wrath of my brother if you didn't feel good." Scott said and I laughed as we walked to the living room.



After I got her voicemail once I was done filming for the day, I rushed home. I hadn't heard from her or Scott the rest of the day and I knew if something was wrong, they would have called. I got home and noticed Scott was still here, which set my mind at ease. I walked in the house, and I heard the tv on.

"Scott? Pais?" I said walking in

"Shhh." Scott said and pointed to Paisley sleeping with her head on a pillow in Scott's lap and I laughed.

"Did she give you the migraine, head massage story?" I asked and Scott looked at me in shock.

"Yes! She said she couldn't fall asleep because her head really hurt so I gave her a massage and the next thing I know she is out." Scott said and I nodded.

"Yeah, she pulls it on me like every other day. I finally just started complying and then carrying her to bed." Chris said.

"Once she is really pregnant good luck with that." Scott said. I sat on the other end of the couch and put her feet in my lap.

"What happened with Shanna?" I asked and Scott sighed.

"She said she just wanted to talk to Pais without you around. She said that you were holding her back from talking to her and she feels like they could work this out if it was the two of them. Said you are too controlling." Scott explained and I just shook my head.

"I'm not going to let her be stressed Scott. She is my everything, so is this baby." I said reaching my and touching her stomach. Scott smiled at me.

"I like seeing this side of you. Something I never thought I would see." Scott said and I sighed with a smile.

"Just took getting the right girl." I said and Scott nodded. Paisley started to stir, and I smiled at her when she sat up and saw me.

"Hey sleepyhead." I said and leaned in and kissed her.

"You tricked me!" Scott said and Paisley laughed and shrugged.

"I trick him all the time and don't think I'm going to stop." Paisley said and she cuddled into me, and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I don't want you to ever stop." I said and kissed the top of her head.

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