12 - The Parents

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Chris and I sat at the table with the computer in front of us and I sighed.

"Let me do most of the talking." I said and Chris groaned.

"Your parents love me." Chris said and we both laughed.

"That they do, but you knocked up their only daughter because of a one nightstand." I said and Chris half nodded.

"Right, you should probably talk." Chris said and we laughed again, and I gave him a small kiss.

"I do love you though. I will make that known." I said and Chris nodded. I dialed up my parents and just waited. Once they answered they smiled and then got confused seeing Chris but keeping the smiles on their face.

"Paisley! It's so good to see you...and with Chris." My dad, Pat said, and I smiled at them.

"Yeah, Chris is here. Um...I have some news to tell you guys." I said and they both looked at us.

"Did you get married?!" Janice, my mother asked, and I shook my head.

"No mom, I would never get married without you and dad here." I said and Chris nodded in agreement.

"It is something important though." Pat said and I nodded. I grabbed the sonogram from the table and held it up to the camera. I heard my mother freak out.

"Wait..." Pat said not seeming to get it and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm pregnant dad." I said and he looked at Chris.

"You get her pregnant?!" He asked and Chris looked like he was going to panic.

"Be nice dad. Yes, Chris is the father, and we couldn't be more excited." I said.

"Well, we're on our way to Boston." Janice said.

"What?! Why?! I'm not even close to giving birth." I said.

"Because we have a wedding to plan." Janice said and I groaned placing my head in my hands.

"Chris and I aren't getting married." I said.

"Not right now at least." Chris spoke up and I nodded in agreement.

"Wait, so you're going to have a baby out of wedlock?" Pat asked and I groaned.

"Yes. Chris and I are together and I'm living with him, but we don't feel like we aren't ready to get married just because we slept together, and I got pregnant." I explained.

"Were you at least together when you slept together?" Janice asked and I looked at Chris.

"We were...almost together." I said and Chris huffed a laugh.

"What does that mean?" Pat asked.

"What it means Pat is that I love your daughter and I do plan on making her my wife eventually, but we would like to take this one thing at a time. The baby is the main priority right now and once the baby is born and we get adjusted we can talk other things." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"Pais, we would like to talk to Chris alone please." Pat said.

"Dad..." I said and just looked at Chris he placed a hand on my thigh.

"Why don't you go lay down. I will be right in." Chris said and I nodded. I gave him a small kiss and then looked at my parents.

"Be nice." I said and got up. I walked into the bedroom and shut the door.


I heard the bedroom door shut and I sighed.

"Can I start off saying something?" I asked and they nodded. "I wasn't lying when I said I love your daughter. I have loved Paisley for a long time, and I think you both know that. I want to marry your daughter and when the time comes, I will call you when she doesn't know and ask for your permission. Hell, I would fly you into town to ask. Paisley and I just right now really need to focus on her stress levels and keeping her calm and happy." I said and they looked concerned.

"Chris, is everything okay?" Janice said.

"There was some unnecessary stress put on her recently that landed her in the hospital and the doctor wants a stress-free environment. I'm giving her that to the best of my ability. Adding a wedding and proposal right now isn't what she needs. I need you both to please see that." I said.

"Chris, do we need to come into town?" Pat asked concerned and I shook my head.

"I would say no but you're her parents and I can't stop you. Although if you are bringing stress about a wedding, proposal, the baby, the time frame...then don't come." I said.

"We just never saw her not married and having a baby, it wasn't the life we planned for her. Sorry we are just kind of old fashioned in that aspect." Pat said.

"Lives and times change. You think I was ready and thinking about being a father? No, not at all. I thought it was further in the future but here we are and I'm over the moon. I will marry Paisley when I feel the time is right." I said.

"Chris, I want to plan a trip to see her soon. I won't cause any stress or anything like that I just want to see my daughter. I want to know she is safe and healthy as well as our future grandchild." Janice said and Pat nodded in agreement.

"A trip in would be fine. I think we can work around it. Maybe once I'm done filming the movie I'm filming right now." I said and they nodded.

"Sounds amazing. We will plan something." Pat said.

I nodded.

"Okay I'm going to check on Paisley. We'll call you guys later." I said and they nodded. I hung up with them and sighed. I knew they weren't going to give up on getting her and I married but I would just keep pushing them back until we were ready. I walked into the room, and I saw Paisley reading a book and she smiled at me when I opened the door.

"Everything okay?" Paisley asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, everything is fine. I have an idea for tonight." I said and she looked at me.

"Okay..." Paisley said, and I smiled at her going over and crawling up to her on the bed where she was leaning on the headboard, and she giggled.

"Can I help you?" Paisley asked.

"You can, by just laying here for right now and letting me cook dinner. I want to pamper and treat you all night. It's all about Paisley and baby tonight." I said and passionately kissed her and she giggled as I moved my lips down to her neck, her giggle turned into a moan.

"I think that sounds like a good plan. Thing is right now...baby and Paisley are hungry." Paisley said and I nipped at her neck.

"Okay well you relax and I will go cook." I said.

"Chris your cooking..." She said having no confidence.

"It will be fine Paisley." I said getting off the bed and walking out of the bedroom.

Consequences ⭐Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora