14 - The Situation

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I was walking onto the set to get to Chris's trailer. He called me at home and asked if I could meet him on set. I ran into Anna first. Not many people knew I was pregnant, but I knew she did, Chris told me he let it slip to her.

"Hey mama." She whispered as I walked up to her.

"Hey Anna. You know where Chris is?" I asked and she nodded as she linked her arm to mine, and we started walking.

"So how are you feeling?" She asked and I groaned.

"My ankles are swollen, my back hurts and baby sitting on my bladder but other than that pretty good." I said and Anna smiled as we got on set, and I saw Chris talking to someone. He saw me and smiled walking over to me.

"Hey you." Chris said and gave me a small kiss. There was a guy standing there with Chris in a suit and I didn't know who this guy was.

"Pais, this is Paul McEntire. He is my manager and is wanting to meet you." Chris said and I smiled shaking his hand and then he looked at Chris.

"Can we go talk in your trailer?" Paul asked and Chris nodded. He took my hand as we walked to the trailer. Once inside we all sat down. Paul looked at me and smiled.

"Paisley, let me start off by saying congratulations." Paul said and I sighed.

"How many people are you going to tell?" I asked Chris and he sighed.

"I had to tell Paul, Pais." Chris said and I groaned.

"Okay well thank you." She said giving a faint smile to Paul.

"Now the reason I asked for you to come down here is because we need to talk about releasing the statement on this situation." Paul said and I looked at him annoyed placing a hand on my stomach.

"Situation?! Situation!" I said annoyed and Chris groaned.

"Paul, we talked about your wording..." Chris said, and I looked at him.

"You have been letting him call this baby a situation, haven't you?!" I asked pissed off.

"I have tried to make him stop." Chris said and I stood up.

"Okay, let's get a couple things clear. I don't want to release a statement because we have been able to hide away being together and just enjoying the time, we are having with me, you and the little peanut growing inside of me. No statement whatsoever, I don't want to be hounded and not able to go out. Second of all this..." I said placing both hands on my small baby bump. "This is not a situation, this is a baby! My baby! Chris's baby but a baby! Not a thing, not a situation, a human being growing inside of me. I will protect it from everyone who threatens to cause any harm. Calling it a situation causes harm." I ranted. Chris just sat there letting me rant and sighed when I took a deep breath.

"Paisley, calm down..." Chris said, and I glared at him.

"I can't believe this is why you called me down here and couldn't just talk to me about this at home. I'm going home." I said and Chris groaned. I walked out of his trailer and out towards my car. I noticed no one was following me, which upset me more knowing Chris really didn't care. I just wanted to get home.



After Paisley left set, I know I should have followed her, but I also know she would have needed to be alone. Paul was still in my trailer, but I was steering clear of him as well knowing he would try to convince me to make the statement.

"Chris..." Anna said walking up to me and I looked at her. "We have an interview to do with Entertainment Tonight about the movie. You ready?" Anna asked and I nodded as we headed to where they were getting set up.

We got mic'd up and got the same boring questions about what the movie was about, how it was filming in my hometown of Boston and everything that we had always been asked.

The interviewer asked. I smiled as I looked at Anna. I knew this was my chance to make a statement on my terms.

I said and the interviewer smiled broadly, and I heard Anna sigh beside me.

"So, Chris Evans is officially off the market? This is the first we are hearing about it." She said and I nodded.

"I know, we have kept our relationship private, we like the privacy." I said and she nodded.

"Well congratulations on all of this." She said and I smiled. Once the interview was over Anna looked at me.

"Chris...was Paisley okay with this? I mean you just outed her, your relationship and the baby." Anna said and I just sighed.

"I know she probably wouldn't like it, but it had to be done. It was going to come out sooner or later and now that it's out there -..."

"Now that it's out there she will have no privacy! Once this interview hits airways her privacy is gone!" Anna said and I groaned.

"I will talk to her. She will be fine with it." I said.

"I highly doubt that..." Anna said and walked away.


I was sitting at home fuming over the meeting Chris called when my cellphone rang on the coffee table. I looked hoping it was Chris, but it was actually Anna.

"Hey, everything okay?" I asked answering the phone.

"I need to ask you a question..."


"Were you and Chris releasing a statement about you and him together and then the baby?" Anna asked and I groaned.

"No, why..." I said.

"Well, we just did an interview for Entertainment Tonight and Chris mentioned you and having the baby." Anna said and I felt anger rise in me and tears also filled my eyes.

"He what?" I asked in shock and Anna sighed.

"I'm sorry Paisley, I didn't know when he planned to tell you and he didn't seem too concerned. I figured you needed to know ASAP." Anna said.

"No, thank you. Don't tell Chris you told me. I will deal with it." I said.

"Okay, I'm sorry it came from me." Anna said and hung up.

I sat there feeling betrayed, hurt and knew Chris didn't even care about my feelings anymore and it was all about him. I got up from the couch and did what I had to do.


I got home from filming ready to tell Paisley about what I did in the interview. After I had time to think about the interview, I knew I crossed a line, and I knew I needed to fix it. When I had Paul call and try to get it removed from the interview, they said they would see what they could do but it was already edited and ready to air the next day or so. I walked into the house, and it was silent.

"Pais?!" I called out and got no answer. I started looking through the house. "Pais!" I yelled. I started panicking, not finding her anywhere. I walked into the bedroom maybe thinking she was in the shower. I saw the stuffed animal koala I got for the baby with a piece of paper in its lap and I picked it up.


   I told you I didn't want a statement made and you went behind my back and did it anyways. Not just a little statement either Chris, it will be on national television, everyone will know! I didn't want it to be this way. Well, me and your "situation" are gone. You will never find us. I have decided to do this alone now.


My knees gave out on me, and I made it to bed edge of the bed and sat down...she was gone, she left me all because I fucked up, I did this. She was gone and I had no clue to even start to think of where she could be. I would have to check with Ma and the siblings...she had to be somewhere that I could see her and work this out. I needed Paisley.

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