26 - Premieres & Fights

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Chris and I were in the car on the way to the LA premiere of What's Your Number. Chris had flown in three days before me to do press and everything with Anna Ferris and I had just flown in the last night. I got to spend the day with Chris and Anna while we were getting ready.

As we were riding in the car Chris couldn't keep his hands off of me and no lie, I felt the same. We had put up the privacy window and we were making out in the backseat. I moaned as his lips left mine and trailed down to my neck.

"God, I can't wait to get you back to the hotel tonight." Chris mumbled against my neck.

"You know, it's a problem if we are only apart three days and this is how we act when we see each other." I said and Chris chuckled. He continued to kiss my neck and I moaned as his hand moved up my thigh from where it was resting to between my legs, and I pushed him away.

"I don't think so Mister Evans...not yet." I said and he growled. There was a knock on the privacy window which meant we were arriving at the premiere. As Chris and I broke apart and I was fixing my make up as Chris made sure he looked acceptable my cellphone rang.

"It's your mom." I said to Chris, and he sighed.

"Let it go to voicemail..."

"Chris, it could be Brady."

"Right, probably being fussy since we aren't home. We have to go." Chris said as the car door was opened and he got out. I watched him get out and wave at some fans. It was then I saw Chris Evans the actor for the first time, and nothing could get in his way of what he needed to do.

He helped me out of the car after I ignored the phone call and then started walking the red carpet with him. We got some pictures taken and then I was guided off to the side by his publicist Megan while Chris took pictures with Anna Ferris. My cellphone started ringing in my clutch again and I pulled it out seeing it was Lisa again. I knew something was wrong, mothers' intuition.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, sorry, I know you guys are at the premiere most likely, but Brady spiked a fever of 102 and we can't get it down. He was grabbing his ears and coughing really bad. I called his doctor, and he said take him to the children hospital ER, so we are on our way there now." Lisa said and I instantly panicked.

"Okay um...we just started walking on the red carpet. Once we get inside, I will work something out with Chris, and we can be on our way home soon. Just keep me updated..." I said.

"I will sweetie. Don't worry, everything is under control." Lisa said and I hung up. I looked at Megan.

"I have to get home...Brady is on his way to the children hospital." I said and Megan started calling for a car and getting me a flight. Chris was finished with interviews and walked over to me.

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