7 - Panic & Change

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It had been about a week since Chris and I decided we would be together, and things were working out amazingly. We spent as much time together as we could, which was usually dinner at either one of our houses or in his trailer on set. I had met his co-star Anna Ferris, and she was amazing and sweet. She and I were already making some plans to hang out one night without Chris. Chris loved how I seemed to slip into this role of being in his life and people accepting me. He was filming and I had just taken on a major client at work. It was stressful and they were pushy, but I was working and happy.

I was sitting in my office at the house when I started to feel a little off. I looked at the time and realized I hadn't eaten all day, and it was already past noon. Chris and Lisa would kill me if they knew but since I hadn't heard from either all day, I would just keep this little nugget of information to myself.

I walked into the kitchen and made some food and sat to eat. Once I was done, I went back to my office to work. I needed to get information to this client that hired me. As I was working my cellphone rang and I saw it was Lisa.

"Hey." I answered.

"Hey, I just wanted to call and check on you. I know Chris is working so he isn't hovering." Lisa said and we laughed.

"He isn't hovering but I'm okay. He is supposed to come over tonight and bring pizza." I said.

"Are you two ever going to go out? I mean make this outside official." Lisa asked and I sighed.

"I like being hidden as does Chris and especially now with the baby, I really like being hidden." I said.

"Pais, you can't even tell you are pregnant yet. If you and Chris start going out now and making this public, it won't look weird once you show up pregnant." Lisa said and I groaned.

"Yeah, I know I think we can talk about it tonight. I want to see what he thinks since this is his I'm fucking up his life with a kid." I said and Lisa groaned.

"Did he say you are doing that?" Lisa asked.

"No, it's what I think I'm doing." I said and Lisa sighed.

"Just talk to him Pais, you two want to be together you need to figure out how co-parenting is going to work and if someone's life is really screwed up." Lisa said.

"I will I promise. I know we're together and been spending time together but mostly just eating and watching movies. I know we need to talk and work everything out." I said.

"Just talk to him. Chris is easy to talk to and understanding." Lisa said.

"I will I promise. I hate to cut this short, but I have some work to get done so can we talk later?" I asked.

"Of course, we can. Love you sweetie." Lisa said.

"Love you too." I said and we hung up. I got back to work and continued to work the rest of the afternoon.



Once I got off set for the night, I tried calling Paisley they whole time to let her know I was picking up pizza and, on the way, over. I had called my mom too and she said Paisley was working earlier so she was probably sleeping on the couch or in bed. She had been getting tired a lot lately which my mom said would happen.

I went and picked up the pizza and headed to her house letting myself in. I told her the minute I got the key from my mom that I was keeping it. She was fine with that especially when I gave her the gate code to my house and key to get in.

I walked to the couch and didn't see her sleeping. I walked into the kitchen and started looking around for her. "Paisley?!" I called out getting worried. There was no answer. I then checked the bedroom and still not Paisley. I groaned and went to her office and still didn't find her. "Where the fuck is she?" I asked myself. I walked to the last room the bathroom across from the office. I opened the door and instantly panicked. There was Paisley lying on the floor passed out. "PAISLEY!" I yelled and dropped to my knees beside her placing her head in my lap as I checked her out and I saw she was breathing, I called 911 instantly.

**NORMAL POV**         

I woke up in a hospital bed, hooked up to some machines and a few around my stomach. I felt someone holding my hand and I looked to see Chris with his head down on the bed and I sighed. I squeezed his hand, and he woke up.

"There you are." Chris said standing up and kissing my forehead. I gave a weak smile.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I came to your place for dinner and found you laying passed out on the bathroom floor." Chris said and I sighed. I looked at the fetal monitor and got a little panicked.

"Chris...the baby...?" I asked and he smiled.

"Baby is fine. There was a little bit of distress when you got here but it's because you were dehydrated. Pais, I thought we talked about taking care of yourself?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"We have and I was. I just I just got busy working and wasn't paying attention." I said and he groaned.

"Pais, I think we really need to discuss either you coming to set with me or something because I don't like the fact you being alone and this can happen." Chris said.

"So, I sit in your trailer alone all day?" I asked and she sighed.

"Fine, then we figure something else out, but I don't want you alone." Chris said.

"She can come and stay with me during the day, or I can go to her." Lisa said walking into the room. She walked over and kissed my cheek.

"Then what about after he gets off? I go home?" I asked and Chris shook his head.

"I think you should move in with me. Paisley, we are going to be a family, we are going to be together. Why not just move in." Chris said and I was unsure of what to say.

"Chris...I-..." I started to say, and he sighed.

"Please Pais. Please..." Chris said, and I sighed. I then nodded.

"We can work it out in a few days." I said and Chris smiled. He stood up and then leaned down over me.

"Thank you." Chris said and gave me a small kiss. He then placed a hand on my stomach.

"We will all be okay. I promise." Chris said once we broke apart and I nodded.

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