24 - Brady Leo Evans

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I was lying in the hospital bed watching Chris walk around the room with our son cuddled closely to his chest. Through my tired haze I smiled at this sight. We called the family and let them know they were out in the waiting room, but we were taking some time for just us.

"He's perfect Pais." Chris said lying in bed next to me holding our sleeping son.

"He really is..." I said. Chris kissed the side of my head and then handed me our son.

"We need a name." Chris said and I nodded.

"Well...I still remember the names we picked when this whole craziness started." I said and Chris nodded.

"Brady Leo Evans." Chris said and I nodded. "It's perfect." Chris added. There was a knock on the closed door and then it was slightly opened.

"You ready for visitors?" Pat asked and I nodded at my dad as my parents and Lisa walked in.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked.

"Well, we made them wait. We are the grandparents, we come first." Lisa said and we gave a small laugh. Lisa came over and took the baby from Chris and I smiled.

"I would like you all to meet Brady Leo Evans." I said and they all looked at Chris.

"Brady? Really?" Janice asked in disbelief.

"It's okay, I love it." I said and everyone smiled. I watched the baby get passed from Lisa to Janice to Pat and I just smiled. I placed my head on Chris's shoulder.

"You need to get some sleep." Chris said and I shook my head.

"No, I want everyone to meet him tonight." I said and Chris sighed and pointed out the window in the room.

"It's early morning Pais." Chris said and I sighed as Janice handed the baby back to Chris.

"Get her to sleep. Scott, Carly and Shanna can wait. They need sleep any ways." Lisa said as Chris placed the baby in the basinet.

"I love you guys." I said and they all came over and gave us hugs.

"We love you. Get some sleep sweetie." Janice said and placed her hand on my cheek. "My baby had a baby, and she did good." Janice said and we both gave a small laugh. They soon walked out, and I looked at Chris.

"If you want to go home and get some sleep, I wouldn't blame you." I said and he looked at me in shock.

"Are you kidding me?! I don't go home until you do. I love you Paisley and I'm staying right here." Chris said and leaned down to kiss me. As we connected Brady started crying.

"And so, it begins..." Chris said, and I laughed as he went to get him.


It had been a few days since Brady was born. We were finally home and getting into the routine of being a family of three. I had just finished changing his diaper when Chris came home from a store run with more diapers and wipes.

"I swear to god, who knew you went through so many..." Chris said, and I laughed as I laid Brady down in his basinet in the living room and then plopped down on the couch and sighed. Chris sat next to me and lifted his arm. I chuckled as I cuddled into his side, and he held on to me.

"So...we really are parents...." Chris trailed off.

"That just hit you?" I asked and he laughed.

"Well, no..." Chris said. "It's just surreal. I mean we created that kid..." Chris said, and I smiled looking in the basinet.

"Not in the most conventional way but it got us here." I said and Chris nodded.

"It did." Chris said and I smiled up at him and he leaned down and passionately kissed me. Once we broke apart, I snuggled into him more.

"Why don't you nap?" Chris asked me and I shook my head.

"He needs feed soon." I yawned.

"And I know how to do that. You have pumped and everything, I think I can handle it." Chris said and I sighed. I looked at Chris and grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch.

"What are you doing?" Chris asked.

"Napping, on you." I said and he smiled and nodded. He helped me cover up. "Best place to nap." I said and he smiled leaning down kissing the top of my head.


I woke up alone on the couch. I looked and Brady was missing from his basinet, and I started to slightly panic. I looked around the house and then I ended up near the nursery and stopped dead in my tracks when I heard Chris talking.

"Alright Brady, I think it's time you hear the story about me and your mom..." Chris started to say, and I smiled leaning on the wall, out of sight. "Your mom and I have known each other since your mom was friends with Aunt Shanna. We were just friends, but I always had feelings for you mom so the time I decided to make my move I sang Taylor Swift with your mom at a fourth of July party. Well things went a little crazy... literally and here you are. I mean not right away but that night with your mom was one of the best nights of my life. We made you underneath the glow of fireworks and I don't care how cliché it sounds, that's how it should have been with her. One thing I will always teach you is your mom is the best human in the world and you're so lucky to have her as a mother. She loves you so much, so much so that while she was pregnant, she was willing and did run to another continent to save and protect you. Mostly from daddy being a dumbass but I soon made up for it and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you and your mom. She gave me another chance though, she came back, and we worked on everything. Now your mom and I aren't married, we aren't even engaged yet but I'm here to make you this promise Brady, your moms and my love story isn't even close to being over and one day I will make her an Evans just like you and me."

I listened to Chris give a shortened version of our relationship and I wiped away some tears that were falling. I heard Chris get out of the rocking chair and I quickly walked back to the living room and stayed sitting up on the couch. Chris came in with Brady and I smiled.

"There are my Evans men." I said and Chris smiled handing Brady to me then sat down.

"Just having some father/son bonding time." Chris said and I smiled.

"Well, I hope it was a good time. Thank you for letting me nap." I said and Chris smiled.

"You are more than welcome Pais. I will always be here for you." Chris said and we cuddled together, the three of us on the couch.

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