27 - Visit the Grandparents

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Chris and I had left Boston since his press was done and he had some time off before he had to go film the new Avengers movie. We wanted to take a trip to see my parents and take Brady to show him where his grandparents lived.

We were on the plane and luckily Brady was sleeping in Chris's lap almost the entire flight. It helped us for sure to not have a fussy baby on a transcontinental flight.

"Are your mom and dad picking us up or are we getting a cab to their place?" Chris asked.

"They will meet us by the main entrance since we have to go through customs. You think they were going to let me take a cab when I'm bringing their favorite person here?" I asked and Chris smiled.

"Aww I didn't know they loved me that much." Chris said and I laughed shaking my head.

"You're ridiculous." I said and he smiled.

"But you love me..."

"Yeah, yeah..." I said and rolled my eyes.

Soon the plane was landing and since we had Brady, we got to get off first, we headed to get our bags and Chris handed him to since he started to get fussy and wake up. I knew waiting in line at customs was going to be a bitch.

By the time we were done in line at customs Brady was screaming his head off and I was about to pull my hair out. We walked towards the main entrance, and I saw my parents. My mom rushed over to us and took Brady who instantly stopped crying.

"I wondered if that was you guys, I heard with the screaming child." Janice said as I hugged my dad Pat. He then shook Chris's hand, and I hugged my mom around Brady.

"Yeah, well he slept the whole flight but waiting in line in customs didn't help." I said.

We headed outside to the parking area to get to the car. Once we got Brady hooked in, I got in the backseat with my mom since she was wanting to still play with Brady while my dad drove so Chris got in the front seat.

"So, let's see it..." Janice said, and I laughed as I showed her my engagement ring. They had seen it over a video call but seeing it in person meant more. "Chris, you did good." Janice said and I smiled with a nod as he smiled back at me.

"He did...now we just have a nail down a time to get married..." I said and Chris groaned.

"What?" Pat asked sensing a problem.

"Chris and I can't agree on when we should get married. I would like to get married before he goes to film Avengers and just do something small, but Boston is a problem since we don't want to cause a stir." I explained.

"And I think we should wait until after I film Avengers, have time to plan something perfect and be able to hire security to keep it private and just for us." Chris said and I just threw my head back on the seat and closed my eyes.

"I just want to get married Chris! Hell, I would even go to the courthouse and do it! I just want to be married. We have a son, we want a family. Why wait?" I asked. Chris didn't say anything else, and the car was silent except for Brady playing with his toys and laughing.

"Okay I have an idea and we can easily plan it." Janice said and I looked at my mom.

"What?" I asked.

"Get married while you're here. We get Chris's family here, we will get you a dress and Chris a suit. We have it on the back porch, it overlooks the ocean so it would be a nice background setting. Or we have the garden off to the side of the house. Whatever you decide. But why not here?" Janice asked and I looked at Chris who turned to look at me. He smiled at me and I nodded.

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