9 - Telling the Siblings

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A few days later Chris and I were living like rabbits and couldn't keep our hands off each other. We were sitting in the doctor's office and waiting.

"I think we should ask..." Chris said, and I laughed at him.

"You have got to be kidding me. It's fine Chris, I read it in the baby book." I said and he groaned.

"Nope, I'm asking." Chris said and shook my head.

"You do as you wish but just remember this is the OBGYN your mom suggested because she knows her." I said and Chris groaned. There was a knock on the door and the doctor walked in.

"Hey Chris and you must be Paisley." The doctor said walking in, and Chris groaned.

"Aunt Marcy?! This is who my mom sent you to?!" Chris asked shocked.

"Aunt?!" I asked in even more shock than Chris.

"Okay so Lisa obviously wasn't completely truthful about who I was. If this makes you uncomfortable -..." She said and I shook my head.

"No, I'm okay with it. I know Lisa trust you and we want this baby in good hands." I said and she smiled, and I looked at Chris.

"And how do you feel?" Marcy asked Chris and he sighed.

"You're the best and I want Pais to have the best." Chris said and then I started giggling to myself.

"What's so funny?" Marcy asked. I looked at Chris.

"You still want to ask your question?" I asked. Chris turned a bright shade of red.

"What is it? I'm very professional." Marcy said and Chris sighed. He stayed silent.

"He wanted to know if you can have too much sex being pregnant?" I asked and then Chris buried his face in his hands embarrassed.

"As long as you are comfortable and don't feel any discomfort then I say have at it." Marcy said and I nodded.

"See, told you." I said and looked at Chris. He was just shaking his head.

"So, this is just a checkup, right? You are about two and a half months now, right?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I was really hoping to have an ultrasound today. I didn't have one when I found out I was pregnant." I said and she smiled.

"So, you want to see your little blob?" She asked and I nodded with a smile. She turned on the ultrasound machine and I looked at Chris who was staying back.

"You can come closer. I want you to experience this too." I said and he smiled and pulled his chair up closer beside me and took my hand. Once the machine was on, Marcy moved my shirt.

"This is going to be cold." She said and squirted the gel on my stomach. I gave a small shiver. Marcy started moving the doppler around on my stomach and I sighed waiting for it to show anything on the screen.

"There it is." Marcy said and pointed to a tiny little blob on the screen, and I smiled. I looked at Chris and he seemed amazed.

"That's our baby..." Chris said in amazement.

"It's our baby." I said and Chris leaned in giving me a small kiss.


A few days later Chris and I decided it was time to tell his siblings about being together, living together and the baby. It was going to be a lot to unload but we were ready. I was getting the food on the table when there was a knock on the door, and I groaned looking at Chris.

"You should probably get that. If I answer it may be weird." I said and Chris agreed walking to the door.

"Hey! Come on in." I heard Chris say and they all came walking into the dining room and I was standing there waiting.

"Paisley, what are you doing here?!" Scott said in shock and hugged me. I then hugged Shanna and Carly as well and Chris came to stand with me.

"Paisley and I wanted to talk to you guys." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"You're finally together?" Carly asked and we smiled.

"Well yeah but there is more to it than that." I said and we were met with odd looks. I looked at Chris and he continued.

"On July fourthand the party Pais and I disappeared during the fireworks and went upstairs at the house -..." Chris started.

"Okay we know where that sentence is going, please don't go into details." Shanna said.

"Okay well after that I found out I was pregnant and it's Chris's baby." I said.

"So, Paisley now lives with me, and we are raising the baby together." Chris added.

"This is why I haven't seen you recently? You were hiding everything from me?!" Shanna asked and I sighed. I knew she would be the toughest one being my best friends first.

"We were wanting to get everything squared away before we told anyone." I said.

"Does Ma know?" Carly asked and I nodded.

"Remember our girls' lunch when I got sick?" I asked.

"Oh my god, Paisley!" Shanna said.

"Hey! It's not just Paisley here." Chris said and Shanna shook her head.

"I wanted you to try and date my brother not trap him but getting knocked up with his love child!" Shanna said and I looked at her hurt.

"Shanna, it wasn't like that please. We were both a little drunk when we slept together." I said and Chris nodded.

"So that makes it okay?! No! You slept with my brother, and you knew what you were doing! I know you and I know you weren't as drunk as you claim you were." Shanna said. I felt tears welling in my eyes and my whole body was trembling. I felt Chris place a hand on my lower back.

"Shanna come on, calm down." Scott said and Carly nodded in agreement.

"She fucked our brother to trap him or something. Get a payday or something!" Shanna said and I just looked at her.

"Hey! I was your friend before I even had feelings for your brother! You're my best friend Shanna and that always comes first. You know I told you I wouldn't interfere with your brother." I said and she groaned.

"Well, you certainly did when you fucked him!" Shanna said and I sighed.

"Shanna, you know I have loved her since she was fifteen. There was nothing I could do to stop those feelings and they never went away! I love her now and we are going to make this work and be together." Chris said.

"Well, I'm happy for you guys. You both are finally getting each other in the end and that's all you ever wanted." Scott said and we gave him a small smile.

"I agree." Carly said.

"I can't I'm sorry Paisley. I don't think I can be a part of whatever this is. This friendship is over, you used me to get to Chris and now your finally succeeded so have a great life together." Shanna said and went to leave.

"Shanna, what the actual fuck!" Chris yelled following her as I sat there in amazement.

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