18 - Shanna Makes Amends

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My mom and dad went out to lunch with some friends, and I just wanted to stay home even though I was invited. I just decided to stay in scared someone might piece together the new pregnant woman town was running from Chris Evans. I knew he never gave away my name, but I was paranoid.

As I was watching a movie on TV there was a knock on the front door and I groaned getting up. When I opened the door I was shocked to find her standing there.

"Me saying I watched the interview gave away where I was didn't it?" I asked and she smiled.

"Not to everyone else but to me." Shanna said and I moved to the side so she could walk in. She saw my little baby bump and smiled.

"You tell him you were coming here?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No I only made it clear that even though you and I arent talking I'm Team Paisley." Shanna said as we walked and sat down on the couch.

"I don't want teams Shanna I just want Chris to realize he fucked up." I said and she sighed.

"He knows, but he is being a baby acting like he is the only one who is hurt." Shanna said and I groaned.

"Yeah no. I know he didn't mention my name but damn if he didn't throw me under a bus. I mean I get seen going to his house...it's pretty obvious." I said and she sighed.

"I know, he doesn't seem to think about that." Shanna said and I nodded in agreement.

We were silent for a few minutes and I looked at my hands in my lap.

"Shanna..." I started to say and she held up her hand to stop me.

"No, please let me go Pais." Shanna said and I nodded.

"Go ahead."

"Listen, I know maybe I didn't react the best when you and Chris announced everything. I was in shock. My best friend and my brother who I had wanted to get together for so long were finally together but I thought it was just because of baby Evans. I made some rash decisions and if I had the chance I would change the past so much and the decisions I made. I love you guys so much and I never meant to cause you so much stress to make you end up in the hospital. I would never want to harm you or the baby. I love you Pais and you are my best friend. I just want my best friend back." Shanna said and I felt tears well in my eyes, damn pregnancy hormones. I looked up at Shanna.

"I missed you too. I never fully blamed you for what happened. Chris took the issues as stress and you were the last person he could think of that upset both of us. He attacked you and I fell into it. I'm so sorry Shanna." I said and she hugged me.

"We okay?" Shanna asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, of course. I'm going to have this baby soon and it needs it's Aunt Shanna, I mean you will be the coolest Aunt." I said and she laughed.

"Obviously." Shanna said.

"Are you also here to bring me back home?" I asked.

"I am...are you going to come easily?" Shanna asked and I sighed getting up and going to the kitchen. Shanna followed. I got us both a drink and then grabbed me a yogurt for a snack.

"I would love to come home, but I can't." I said and Shanna said.

"And why not?" Shanna asked.

"Because I would have to go back to living with your brother and act like what he did was okay. I sold my place, I have nowhere else to go." I said and Shanna sighed.

"You could stay with Ma." Shanna said.

"And whose team is she on?" I asked.

"Ma won't pick sides you know that." Shanna said and I huffed a laugh.

"I seem to remember a Christmas not so long ago when your mom took Chris's side over mine and yours over the broken plates." I said and Shanna groaned.

"Yeah well..." Shanna trailed off and we both laughed. As we were silent the front door opened and my mom and dad came walking in. They walked into the kitchen and saw us.

"Shanna! This is a surprise!" Janice said and walked over to hug her. Pat followed suit.

"It's so nice to see you guys. We miss you back home." Shanna said.

"Well once peanut is born we plan on being in town for a while." Janice said as she placed a hand on my stomach. I smiled at her and then sighed.

"Shanna is here to bring me home." I said and they smiled.

"We think it's a good idea. Go home, work this out with Chris. Everything will be fine." Pat said and I groaned.

"What if it doesn't? What if this is it? Where do I go? I sold my house, I have nowhere to go." I said.

"Come stay with me. We don't even have to tell Chris." Shanna said and I whipped my head to looked at her.

"What?!" I asked.

"Come stay with me, tell Chris you're back in town but don't tell him where. I will go get your car from his place and you will be able to do whatever you need to do around town and no one will know." Shanna said.

There was silence.

"It's not a bad idea." Pat finally spoke up.

"Dad..." I said and he sighed but looked at me.

"Paisley, do you really want to do this alone? Your mom and I are one thing but don't you want that baby's father involved? He has the right to be involved." Pat said and I sighed and looked at my parents and then at Shanna.

"You promise I can stay with you and we don't tell Chris where I am right away?" I asked and she nodded.

"He will want to see you but you can meet him somewhere neutral, like Ma's or the park." Shanna said and I sighed.

"I just don't want to be seen out with him and pregnant, two and two will be put together." I said.

"We will figure it all out when we get you home." Shanna said. Janice came over to me and placed a hand on my cheek.

"Go home, go to Shanna's hide out from him for a while but be near him. Talk to him." Janice said and I sighed. I looked at Shanna.

"When's the next flight out?" I asked.

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