5 - Belong Together?

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It had been a few days since I left's Chris's house in a haste after he told me he loved me. I knew what he was doing, and I didn't want him to just do this because he felt something because I was pregnant. I turned off my cellphone and refused to check my e-mails. I had no open work projects, so I knew I was safe to not have my phone or my e-mail. I just sat at home, watching movies and taking care of me and my tiny, little, almost nonexistent baby. I was lying on the couch when I heard my front door open.

"Paisley Marie Lawson!" I heard my name yelled as she walked through the door, and I groaned knowing the voice. I just stayed lying down on the couch and pulled the blanket over my head.

"That didn't work when you were five and hiding with Shanna, it won't work now." Lisa said and pulled the blanket off me. I groaned and sat up seeing her with grocery bags.

"What are you doing and how did you get in?" I asked confused.

"You gave me a spare key like a year ago when you went to see your parents in Australia and needed me to get your mail. You never got it back." Lisa said and I groaned.

"Okay well can I have it back now?" I asked.

"Nope, because obviously I'm going to have to keep checking on you." Lisa said and headed into the kitchen and I followed her. She started putting everything away.

"What is all this?" I asked and she sighed.

"Well from the state of the trash containing nothing but take out and the emptiness of your fridge you needed groceries. You are eating for two now, time to at least be a little healthy." Lisa said and I sighed and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, then sat at the kitchen island.

"Thank you for this but you really didn't need to do it." I said and Lisa shook her head.

"You are carrying my grandbaby, of course I did." Lisa said and I smiled. We were silent as she packed everything away. Once she was done, she came over to me and smacked my arm.

"Ow!" I said annoyed.

"Why are you ignoring everyone? Most of all Chris!" Lisa said and I groaned.

"I didn't plan on ignoring all of them honestly, but everyone would have wanted to know or wonder what was going on." I said and she sighed.

"Why did you run out on him Pais?" She asked and I put my head in my hands.

"He told me he loved me since I was fifteen." I said. Lisa looked at me with no look on her face.


"Oh, come on he has not loved me since I was fifteen. I was Shanna's annoying best friend that was always around." I said and she sighed.

"He may have said that, but he has been in love with you that long. Why do you think he was always around when you were over. He tried keeping the distance since there was five years between the two of you, but he did talk to me and your parents about it. They asked him to wait until you were sixteen or seventeen for him to ask you out. He agreed." Lisa said and I sighed.

"So why didn't he ask me out then?" I asked and she sighed.

"He was making it big in LA and didn't want to put that on you." Lisa said and I groaned.

"So let me get this right, he has really loved me since I was fifteen and he wasn't just saying that he loved me because I was pregnant?" I questioned and Lisa nodded.

"Did he say he still loves you?" Lisa asked and I nodded.

"He told me that he wasn't as buzzed as he made it seem that night and he knew exactly what he was doing and what he was saying to me. The thing was it was the same for me. I think we like to blame it on alcohol, but we can't. This is something that has been coming." I said and Lisa admitted.

"I always hope you would find each other. Now this isn't the way I was expecting it to happen but obviously fate had a better idea since you both are stubborn as hell." Lisa said and we both laughed.

"Yeah, knock her up and see what happens." I said and Lisa placed a hand on my back.

"He wants to be a part of this Pais, you need to give him that chance." Lisa said and I half nodded.

"And he really has loved me since I was fifteen?" I verified and Lisa huffed a laugh.

"Yes Pais. He has never stopped, and he wants this with you." Lisa said and I smirked.

We were silent for a few minutes, and I sighed.

"Can you do something for me?" I asked and Lisa nodded.

"Of course, what do you need?" Lisa asked.

"Can you give him your spare key and tell him to use it when he is ready to come over?" I asked and she smiled.

"I can do that for you." Lisa said and then looked at the time.

"Well, I better go. Also, I got you more of these." Lisa said handing me a small bag and I pulled out the anti-nausea pills and some ginger hard candy.

"Helps with the nausea when it's not serious enough for the pills." Lisa said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said and hugged Lisa. We got up from the stools and headed to the front door.

"I will give Chris the key when I see him. He is filming next couple of days." Lisa said and I smiled as we hugged again, and she kissed my cheek. Once we broke apart, she placed a hand on my cheek.

"Give him a chance Pais, you both deserve this chance to try this out." Lisa said and I nodded.

"I will." I said and she smiled and left. I watched her leave and walked back into the kitchen and grabbed a hard candy, my bottle of water and headed back to the living room. I laid on the couch and covered up.

I thought about what Lisa said. I would try this with Chris. She was right, this pregnancy was a sign for him and I. We belonged together.

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