1 - Welcome Home

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"So, Chris is supposed to show up today." Shanna Evans as I was setting up some food platters on the kitchen island. She was talking about her brother, the actor Chris Evans, who had been out of town filming the first Captain America movie.

"Great for him. I bet your mom will be happy." I said and Shanna sighed.

"What about you?" Shanna asked me and I just looked at her.

"What do you want me to say Shanna? I mean it will be nice to see Chris, but I mean he is just barely a friend." I said.

"He is going to be staying in town for a while. He is filming a movie in Boston." Shanna said and I just huffed a laugh.

"Can you try and talk up Chris just a little more?" I asked, Shanna laughed.

"I'm making small talk..." Shanna said.

"Right...sure." I said and we both laughed.

Shanna was about to say something when we heard someone yell.

"Decorations are here!" Scott Evans, Shanna's other brother yelled.

"About time Lisa was about to kill us!" I said walking out to the living room. I grabbed the bag from him and then saw someone behind Scott and I smiled.

"Oh yeah I brought Chris too." Scott said and I smiled. I hugged Scott and he walked into the kitchen since he had all the ice for the coolers. I saw Chris and smiled.

"Welcome home Captain America. I mean do I salute...hug you...what?" I asked and he laughed and pulled me into a hug.

With being Shanna's best friend since we were kids I grew up with this family. They were like a second family to me, but I did always have a small crush on Chris, especially as a teenager, but he was already trying to make it big and was out of my league. I had no chance with him being in Hollywood and with Shanna being my best friend there was no way I was going to step over that line.

"Good to see you, Pais." Chris said and I smiled as we broke apart.

"I think your mom was waiting for you to get here to start the grill. She is in the back with the kids." I said and Chris smiled.

"Thanks." Chris said and he walked past me to go out the back. Shanna came into the living room and looked at me.

"Ready to hang these?" I asked and she nodded.


"It's still lopsided!" Scott said as Shanna, and I were up on small ladders hanging a banner in the back yard of the house.

"What the hell are you talking about! It's straight!" I said.

"Not from down here Pais. You need to go up a little bit more." Chris said and I groaned. I went up on more step.

"Jesus Pais! Be careful your ladder is wobbling!" Lisa said coming outside.

"I'm fine, I promise." I said and she sighed watching us.

"Straight now?" Shanna asked.

"Yes! Perfect." Scott said and we tied off the sign. I started to go down my ladder and it wobbled too much and started to tip.

"WOAH!" I yelled as I went to fall off the ladder, but Chris rushed over and grabbed me stopping me from falling, he was holding me bridal style.

"You okay?" Chris asked, I noticed how close our faces were and my arms instinctively wrapped around his neck.

"Um...yeah. Thank you." I said and Chris wasn't putting me down and we just looked at each other.

"Pais, you okay?!" Scott asked pulling me out of my trance.

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