Chapter 25

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We were 30 minutes into the ride with an awkward silence between me and Nabi

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We were 30 minutes into the ride with an awkward silence between me and Nabi. She was reading her book, sitting on the seat next to the window while everyone else was talking quietly. I was resting with my eyes closed, trying not to turn in the direction of the window. My head was throbbing in pain and I sighed. I kept my eyes closed and rubbed my temples. I'm not getting drunk ever again.

That is probably a lie.

I opened my eyes and looked ahead of me. I glanced at Nabi that flipped a page of her book. I looked through my backpack at my feet and took out my book as well. I obviously won't fall asleep so why bother trying. I bought The Great Gatsby couple months ago, but got the chance to read it only now. I opened it and yawned.

I didn't realize when time had passed an hour and a half has passed already. I flipped the next page of my book and yawned again, my eyes watering. The people around were talking, creating a quiet chatter. My one hand was holding the book opened while with the other one I was rubbing my temple. The pain in my head was still awfully present.

Nabi didn't utter anything ever since we left, nor did I. Stuff between us were still awkward after we almost kissed in the kitchen the other day. I didn't want to ruin our friendship, but I couldn't think of anything to say. I haven't stopped thinking about it to the point I couldn't concentrate on my book.

I blinked a few times and went back to read the last paragraph again.

"What are you reading?" Nabi cracked the uncomftarble silence that I was more that thankful for.

"Umm, The Great Gatsby." I said and showed her the cover with a little smile displaying my lips, looking at her eyes. She cleared her throat and looked at the cover.

"A classic. How do you like it?" She didn't close her book and her hand was holding it open. A silver ring was on her slim finger. I looked at the delicate jewel. It had some kind of writing that was too small for me to see. I looked back at my book.

"It's great for now, but I'm only 100 pages in." I chuckled and she smiled and nodded. She looked back at her book and that same uncomftarble silence overtook us again.

"You know," I turned to her and closed my book. Her eyes lit up and she looked at me. "I'm sorry about the other day. I don't know what I was thinking." I said and left a breath out. She shook her head.

"No, I'm sorry too, it's not your fault. But we really shouldn't let it happen again." I nodded in agreement.

"Of course. Are we good again?" I gave my hand for a handshake and she nodded with a smile while looking at me, shaking my hand.

"Thanks God. The silence was killing me." I said and she laughed. We started talking. My head was still in pain and I was so tired. I laughed at something Nabi said and took out my water bottle for the third time in

the last 10 minutes. I took couple of sips and put it back. I furrowed my brows.

As we were talking someone behind dropped something and it made a loud sound. I hissed in pain as my head throbbed again. I put my fingers on my forehead and rubbed with my eyes closed.

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