Randomness 6

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Kwazii: when have I ever done anything irresponsible?
Tweak: I keep a list.
Kwazii: ...

Kwazii: Let me explain something to you, Tweak. When you're in a situation, you don't have time to think. So I thought to myself, "Don't think, Kwazii, act."
Tweak: ...So, you weren't thinkin'?
Kwazii: Not at all. I cannot emphasize enough how little I was thinking.
Tweak: don't tell me the GUP-B is gone
Kwazii: ok
Tweak: well.. where is it?
Kwazii: you told me not to tell you.
Captain Barnacles: let's put small things in the box.
Kwazii: Peso?
Captain barnacles: not people, things!
Shellington: but can we put Peso in the box
Captain Barnacles: I said-
Tweak & Dashi: Peso?
Captain Barnacles: we are NOT putting Peso in the box.
Captain Barnacles: I'm sorry Peso.. NO PUTTING PESO IN ANY MORE BOXES
The Octonauts: aw man fine.
Kwazii: *hugs peso*
Peso: what are you doing?
Kwazii: appreciating the little things in life

Kwazii: Okay, I have a plan.

Tweak: I hope it turns out better than your plan to cook rice in your stomach by eating raw rice and then drinking boiling water.

Shellington: What is toothpaste, if not bone soap?

Pearl: Existence is a prison and being your sister is maximum security.
Paani: your not sweating?!
Captain Barnacles: uh huh
Paani: how can you NOT be sweating?
Captain Barnacles: I don't sweat.
Paani: everyone sweats!
Peso: not the captain
Kwazii: the captain never sweats!
Paani: what do you mean?!
Captain Barnacles: sweating is gross, that's why I don't do it.
Dashi: we call that, a traumatic experience.
Dashi, turning to shellington: not a "bruh moment."
Dashi, points to Kwazii: not a "Sadge"
Dashi, turns around and points to tweak: AND NOT A "OOF LMAO."
That's alll I got next is more Headcannons 😍

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