56 - Them

635 122 46

Rory had been nervous about seeing Sam again, but she had to support him. Even if he wasn't hers anymore, he had been her best friend for years. Cole and Anna flanked her walking into the church. They probably thought she would run. When she saw the tall dark-haired girl wrapped around his arm, she wanted to.

Why had she come? He didn't want her. He definitely didn't need her.

When his eyes captured hers, he looked sad, but held her gaze as they approached. Cole hugged his brother, as Bryan pulled Rory in for a hug. He whispered. "He'll be glad you're here."

She refused to look at Willow, while she waited for Anna to hug Sam. When it was her turn, she said, "I'm so sorry. I know what she meant to you."

Sam said, "Thank you."

It felt very civilized, but nothing like them, or the them that used to be. Someone pushed Rory forward, and she bumped into Sam. He caught her and righted her. Feeling his hands briefly on her arms felt like a fix that didn't quite do the job. She wanted to hug him like everyone else had, but she glanced beside him and saw Willow's glare. It was the look of a woman protecting her territory. Rory turned and walked around them. She tried to be professional until the push. She felt a lifetime of regret when his hand touched her.

She walked into the church and slid into the pew with her dad and uncle and aunt. Jack's arms gathered her in, and she let out a sob. She wasn't crying for the deceased or even her grandson, but for her own loss. Lana handed her a tissue with a sympathetic look, because she knew more than anyone the pain Rory had been pushing aside. The reality of seeing them with her own eyes opened the floodgates.

During the funeral, Rory kept staring at the back of his head. She could tell he just had a haircut, just like she knew he was hurting by his posture. At least Willow wasn't in the front pew with him. He sat with his family, the Kellers and the Butlers. Only Cole sat directly behind him with Anna and Mike. Rory held her breath when Bryan got up to speak.

Looking at the older man, Rory saw the parts of him his son shared. His voice was strong. "Those who know me are probably wondering why I'm the one speaking. Angela didn't hide the fact she didn't like me very much. She mellowed when she accepted I loved her daughter and we gave her a grandson. We grew closer during the illness and death of her daughter, Linda. I'm sure her friends heard all about it when I took Sam away. Sam has grown into a man Angela was proud of. He cared for his Nonna throughout her illness..." Behind Bryan a slideshow started of black and white photographs. "He captured her death in images. Angela was a hard woman, but she had a hard life, raised by immigrant parents when Italians and Catholics weren't always welcomed. She suffered losses and only had one child, and lost her husband too young. She worked in a factory to support her daughter. Nothing was handed to her, and she expected others to work hard. She was as loyal as they come, and the best cook. She was loved by friends and Sam and me. I won't cry today because I know she has finally joined her husband and daughter. She can rest after working hard her entire life."

Tears dripped down Rory's face. She wished she was the one supporting Sam. At least it was Alison. Bryan returned and hugged his son. The service went on and Rory slipped out. She didn't want to draw attention to herself. Sitting on the steps of the church, she took deep breaths and looked around. She had an image of Turner for years and thought it would look like Stars Hollow from Gilmore Girls. It was very different. Across the street were storefronts. A block down was the diner. The fire station was further down the street. She could only see it because a red engine was gleaming in the sun. Rory wished it was a rainy day. If only the sun could dry up all her sadness and regret. She sat in her own memories until she heard the organ. She stood up and waited on the side for the church to empty. Would Sam look for her as he left?

Her father walked over to her. "You okay, kiddo."

"Not really. I shouldn't have come."

"We all came to support Sam. I'm sure he appreciates it." Not enough, but her lips didn't move. "We'll go to the cemetery and the house for a few minutes before we head to the airport. Tomorrow's a big day. I couldn't be more proud.

The awkwardness continued, especially at the house. Rory tried to imagine Sam living in the small dark living room. She looked at pictures of Sam when he was little instead of Sam with her replacement at his side.

Lana whispered. "I can trip her."

Rory almost laughed. She studied a family picture when Sam was a baby. She had seen pictures of Linda Keller before, but young Bryan looked like Sam more than older Bryan.

"That's my favorite. I look at it every time I walk into the room." She nodded. "I told Sam I'm his age in it. I had a wife and a baby and no college degree. Congrats. I hear tomorrow's your big day." She nodded. "I'm glad you're coming home."

She looked at Bryan but didn't have words. The memory of the first time she met him came floating back. She was upset about Jack and Maddie. She had learned so much about love and loss since then. "I liked your speech. It couldn't have been easy."

"I did it for Sammy." Rory nodded and he squeezed her shoulder. "I'll see you at home."

Home. So many in the room shared the same home. Once The Point was in the blood, it never left. She glanced at Sam. He looked tired. Somehow Anna and Cole flanked him on either side. Did he feel the same way or was this his home?

She turned away and came face to face with Willow. "You look like you regret coming."

Rory didn't have the strength to pretend. "All his family is here to show support."

"It's my job now. Here."

Rory nodded. "I'm leaving soon. My flight..."

She stopped talking, because Sam approached them. He looked at Willow and then her. "Hey. Thanks for coming. Ryan told me about tomorrow."


"I'm proud of you. You did it."

"What are you going to do now?"

He frowned. "I have to deal with this house. Meanwhile, I'll be hitting the road again."

She nodded. "I saw the specials. They were great. I felt like I knew most of the guys. And your name in the credits." She rambled hoping it would keep him near.

"Did you get to the diner?"

Rory nodded. "For dinner last night. Tina screamed when Anna walked in."

Sam gave a sad smile. "I wish you had invited me."

"Sam, everyone misses you, especially Cole." And me.


She shook her head. "You know how I feel. I haven't made it a secret, but you have to choose your own future. It looks like it is here. I hope you two are happy."

She walked away before she made a fool of herself. Too many eyes were on them, so she slipped out the front door. She had to get her bag from her car to the rental car. She just wanted to go home to Virginia. For a moment, she considered staying there, but she couldn't let all her dreams die. She wanted to work with Deb. Her career would be her focus.

As she sat in the rental waiting for the others, she remembered chasing after Sam on New Year's Eve. Unfortunately, their romcom didn't have a happy ending.

As soon as they started the quiet ride to the airport, she dried her eyes. She would celebrate her own achievements on her last day in Virginia and worry about her future when she returned home. If she could have one wish, it would be a do over, starting with her decision almost two years before.

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Love Always (NG4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora