48 - Date

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Rory couldn't avoid Dan and gave up trying. He found her on campus and invited her over, because of Finn. Using his son as the reason confused Rory. Dan never admitted he wanted to see her, and Rory couldn't decide if she wanted him to. Her decision would be easy if Sam replied to her texts. She would bet he replied to Willow's. Sam posted a piece of pie, but Willow posted her drinks at least once a week.

Finn reported to Rory about his Mom's kisses. He also liked his teacher, and he played with his little friend from his group at recess. In fact, his favorite word was Kate - Kate did or Kate said. They liked to have play dates and meet at the park. Rory saw Kate's sister, Emily during her group sessions. The two sisters were slowly progressing in their grief.

One evening after Finn had been tucked in. Dan waited for Rory to follow him down the stairs. "Do you want to stay and have a drink?"

She smiled. "I'll stay if you want to talk, but I'll pass on the drink. I have some reading to do." He nodded, and she waited for him to open up. "Are you okay?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Finn's grandmother is taking him overnight on Saturday."

"That'll be good for both of them."

Dan nodded. "Will you have dinner with me? I wanted to give you time to get over your breakup."

Over? Was that possible. "You know I'm leaving in May."

He smiled. "May's a long time away. It gives me time to change your mind."

Rory shook her head and chuckled, although his words weren't funny, it was comical he thought he could change her plans. If Rory stayed in Virginia a day past graduation, she would never get Sam back.

"Fine. One dinner then."

It was what Sam told her to do. "Okay."

He smiled. "Great! I'll pick you up at six."

"Don't come to the door. Ryan will turn into his older brother and I'm not a kid."

"Did your father make it a big deal when you started dating?"

Rory nodded. "It was a big deal. I was fifteen, and I kept it from him." She paused, not wanting to elaborate. "I should go. I have work to do."

Dan walked her to the door. "See you on Saturday, if not before."

Rory guessed it would be before on campus. As she walked away, all she could think was she was glad he hadn't tried to kiss her. Maybe she should cancel their date.

The friends filed out of the classroom after a test. Chantal said, "We need a blender night."

Grace laughed, and Rory shook her head. It didn't seem like a good idea. "I'm not giving in to your peer pressure." They settled at another sticky table. Rory took wipes out of her backpack and cleaned it. She looked up, as her friends gawked at her. "What? They are always sticky. No blender. I need to be sober to discuss my problem."

Grace spoke for the first time. "What problem?"

"Dan asked me out." She hid her face in her hands.

Chantal laughed. "Why is that a problem?"

Grace glared. "Because she loves Sam."

Chantal dismissed Grace. "So. They broke up."

Grace covered her chest with both her hands. "But her heart."

Chantal said, "You don't need your heart for a date. I say go and have fun. Kiss the man."

Rory looked at Grace. She put her manicured, petite hand on Rory's arm. "It must be a hard decision. Which way are you leaning?"

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