7 - Notes

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Rory took a seat in the empty classroom. She was early for class, because she had nothing else to do. It was her third week of classes and she hadn't met anyone. Other than Uncle Ryan, she had no one to talk to.

She missed Sam all the time. On her way to class, she saw a guy riding a bike with long colorful striped socks and gym shorts that were way too short with suspenders holding them up over a muscle shirt, although he had no muscles. Her mind said, I can't wait to tell Sam.

Her phone buzzed, and she looked at it.

🗨Back in Boston. Miss you ❤

She already knew from Anna's social story, she and Cole had left The Point. She sent a simple 'thumbs up' response and willed the tears not to form, as she remembered sitting in other classes doing the same years before.

Students trickled into the room. Two girls' laughter caught her attention. A fair girl with dark hair sat next to Rory. Emma would think she was Snow White. She even wore red lipstick. Rory didn't have any makeup on. She was styling dark circles under her eyes and a tee shirt and shorts.

Snow white said, "You don't mind do you?"

Rory shook her head. The other girl was the opposite with chestnut skin and dark eyes. She leaned over her friend towards Rory.

"Is Glenn going to put us to sleep?"

Rory chuckled. Their Research Methods and Techniques professor had a monotone voice with equally dry material.

She winked at Rory. "I'm ebony and she's ivory."

Rory's eyes widened. "Really?"

Both girls laughed. Snow White said, "No. Chantal likes to shock people. She's twice as bad when she's not sober. I'm Grace."

"Rory. And I thought you were Snow White."

Chantal cackled, but stopped abruptly when Glenn walked in and cleared his throat. Whispering, she said, "It's Grace's turn to take notes. Rory, you're next class."

Rory wasn't sure she should trust her, but Grace had a notebook out and wrote copious notes. Rory focused on listening. When class was over Grace motioned to her.

"Come on. Let's get coffee."

Rory had an hour before her next class. Having coffee with her classmates trumped sitting alone trying not to think about Sam.

Once they sat down at a rickety table in the student union, Rory took a sip and tried not to wince.

Chantal said, "So Rory, tell us all about yourself. We've been here together since undergrad, so we're bored."

Her uneasy smile didn't meet her eyes. "Are you punking me?"

Chantal laughed, but Grace frowned and said, "No. Our other bestie left after graduation for the real world. We decided you might be a good fit."


Chantal lacked filters. "Because Grace likes to fix people, and you look broken."

Rory sat back. "What's the deal with the notes?"

Grace smiled. "Deflection. Fine. We take turns, so we're able to listen. Now we discuss the lecture and it lodges into our brains."

Their plan surprised Rory. "And you've been doing this?"

Chantal nodded. "Got us through undergrad." She motioned her finger in a circle. "And we have the same classes so..."

Rory looked from one to the other. "We do?"

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