13 - Five

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Sam dreaded the approaching long weekend. Before everything changed, he had planned to fly down to see Rory. Instead of surviving two months in a long-distance relationship, he had somehow survived them without her. His secret was to keep busy, and any downtime, he filled with sleep.

Will's football schedule had saved him. He took hours of video that needed editing. Plus, he had other classes with assignments to complete. How was Rory's course load? Did she like her professors? His gut dipped when he thought of the pictures he had seen on social media. She was always with the same two girls and the blond guy again.

As a couple, they didn't fight. Occasionally, Rory complained about the time he spent with his mistresses, his two cameras. He could disappear for hours, and that ability had helped him pass from one day to the next.

Sam sat at their grungy table eating a bowl of Captain Crunch. Theo stared into his coffee cup looking dazed. Luke walked back and forth eating a protein bar. Most mornings, Madison or Ashley hung around, often both. Sam tried not to complain, since Rory had stayed over plenty.

Sam looked up. "Where are your girls?"

Theo shrugged. "They had to study late."

Sam nodded. "I'm taking off on Friday. Heading home for the weekend."

Nervousness buzzed through him. Would he feel worse at home? Emma had already begged him to come visit. He missed the kids, too.

Luke stopped walking. "We should go up, check out the beach and that amusement park. Is it still open?"

Like most summer venues, it was the last weekend it was open. The ice cream shack had a half price sale on Sunday. Monday ice cream cones were free until every sprinkle was gone. It marked the line between the summer Point and the winter Point inhabited by its year-round residents.

Sam shrugged. "Yeah, but I'm going to see my family. My brother will be home."

Theo looked at him with soft eyes. "Rory?"

Sam frowned. "Nah. Just as well. She doesn't want to see me."

Luke's voice shocked him out of the rabbit hole. "What the hell d'you do, anyway?"

"Nothing man, she just wanted a break."

Luke's eye bore into his. "I'm tired of pussyfooting around sad Sam. Hailey's into you. Why not get over it with a warm body?"

Sam felt Luke's words slap his face. "No thanks. I'll stick to myself."

"Theo, you wanna drive up and go on the rollercoaster and then get lobster rolls."

Theo nodded. "I'm game. Ash would love it."

Sam held up his hands. "I can't put you up. My house is full."

Luke turned to Sam. "We can drive home. It's no big deal."

Sam could tell them not to come, but it was a free country. He enjoyed taking pictures of the rides and the people.

"I'll see if Cole is into hanging on the rides."

Theo looked at his phone. "I've got class. See you, dudes."

Sam took his dish to the sink and washed it. There were dirty dishes around the sink, but they weren't his. Rory used to do his roommates dishes. When he left, he waved.

Did he want to hang out with his friend? It beat getting pity on the streets of The Point.

Friday after his darkroom session, he drove north out of Boston. The traffic was heavy because of the holiday weekend and the foliage was more brilliant up north. It took him two hours to reach the causeway and a part of him wanted to turn back. His two weeks on The Point without Rory had been miserable. As he brought his broken heart home with him, he feared the weight of it might suffocate him.

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