29 - Waiting

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When Cole called Sam to tell him about Keira, he felt a mixture of anger and guilt. He stood and paced like a caged animal. "It's my fault. I was too wrapped up in myself."

"It's not your fault, she's my sister, and I was trying to get to the bottom of it. Then I embarrassed her. Sam, I've never felt so mad. Not with Will or even the convict."

Sam sighed. "I feel it now. I keep seeing the little girl who spent hours talking to me. If I hadn't shut everyone out she might have told me."

"She's okay. I think. My dad's in an awkward position because my mother said she didn't want Keira near the kid ever again."

"Good for Alison. My Dad must have been livid."

"He was simmering, but acted calm. Karma bit my dad this time. He kept telling me Bryan might be a pedo, and he brought a pervert into his house."

"He was a jerk back then. So were you." Sam raked his fingers through his hair. "Maybe Rory can talk to her. I should come home."

Cole didn't deny the truth. "It's fine. Anna's been talking to her. Honestly, she might blow because we're all treating her like glass."

"She's special." Sam loved her like she was his own blood.

Sam ignored Cole's advice and went home for a weekend. The semester was rapidly coming to a close, and he was finally graduating. His thoughts were on Rory and their summer together on The Point.

He was looking for opportunities in Virginia. After graduation, he would be busy helping Alison with baseball and dance photos. He and Rory had often worked together at the photo events. She could coax the shyest kid to smile.

Working for his stepmother wasn't a career, but he had the time. His dad probably wouldn't agree because it took so long for him to graduate.

He was busy editing a school assignment when Alison's voice came up the stairs. He left his door open hoping Keira would talk to him. His stepmother was talking on the phone and promised to get back to the person on the other end.

"Hey, Sam?" He turned to her. "One of my dance studios had their recital photographer fall through. She asked me, but you'd be so much better."

"What do I have to do?"

"Take photos of each dancer on stage for every dance."

Not quite the athletes he preferred. She told him the date which was after graduation.

"The silver lining is its Emma's teacher, so you can photograph her. No favoritism. You need to make sure you get each girl."

"I can do that."

It might be fun. Rory would be back and she always went to Emma's dance recitals. Sam felt excited.

"Anna and Cole are coming for dinner."

Sam wanted to ask about Keira, but things had seemed to settle down. Just before dinner, Keira walked in and plopped herself on his bed. "Hey, Sammy."

"Hi K. How are you?"

Her voice faltered. "You know too?"

He stood up and shut his door, before sitting down and swiveling to face her. He nodded. "I feel bad because I was wrapped up in my own problems. I'm proud of you for handling him. You know there are lots of jerks out there. Luke is one."

"Why are they so good looking?"

Sam winked. "I don't know, ask Cole. He was kinda that way until he grew up."

"I want to be mad at him, but he was the only one who noticed I was in a bad mood."

"Did you talk to anyone about it?"

Love Always (NG4)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara