Ch 12: My Lips On Yours Will Make You Like Roller Coasters, I Promise

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Chapter 12: Liam

               When I got out of the bathroom, in a regular shirt and swimming trunks, Airi was pulling her shorts up, instantly capturing my attention.

                “Done?” She didn’t reply.

                “Airi?” She continued to ignore me.

                “Don’t talk to me.”

                “What did I do?” What exactly was I being blamed for, I asked myself.

                “You know what.”

                “No, actually I don’t.” She turned to me, glaring with her bright green eyes. I should have turned to stone by now.

                “The whole seducing thing. You just can’t keep it in your pants. And then you touch me like that and of course my hands are tied so I can't even stop you. Then Ells barges in, seeing the whole thing.” The words rushed out, making her fluster.

                “You have no idea, do you? You’re like a walking blowjob to every guy on the street.”

                “Well mind me for raining on your parade. I have no idea what excuse I’m going to give the girls.”

                “Just tell them we were playing doctor. I was innocently checking for swelling on my patient.”

                “With your lips? You disgust me.”

                “Don't act like you hate it. Airi.” I smirked, slipping on my flip-flops. When we got out of the hotel room, Airi ran to the girls and I hung back with the guys.

              After we grabbed some breakfast, we headed for the park. Getting out the car, our view was consumed by the first thing we saw was the roller coasters. Airi looked horrified, like watching Bambi with a lot of blood and guts. Instinct told me to grab her hand, so I did. She simply took advantage taking a hold of my entire arm.

                “Airi, don’t tell me you’re still scared of roller coasters.”

                “Shut up Owen.” We walked in line, taunting her as we inched toward the entrance. When we bought our tickets, we headed for the ride.

                “Airi, I’ll sit right next to you.”

                “ That scares me even more.” She gave me a wide smile that was supposed to hide genuine fear. She failed. The line was pretty short so we were at the gates within seconds.

                “Liam, I don’t want to do this.” Airi let go of my hand, backing up.

                “Hell no.”  I grabbed her by the waist, slinging her onto my shoulder.

                “LIAM! PUT ME DOWN!”

                “You’re going to thank me for this.” When we were up, I dropped her into the seat, pulling down the gear so it would lock before she fled.

“LIAM! I am going to FREAKING KILL YOU!”

“Sex in heaven sounds good.”

“Sir, we are not allowed to force guests onto rides.” A guy came up behind me, looking down Airi’s top, as he said this.

“Thank you for your concern of what her boobs look like but I think I’ve got this under control.” He walked away then, minding his own business.

“Liam, I swear to god, you are going to have your manhood ripped off when this ride is over.”

“Give me all you got, Miss Macho.” She looked tense and scared as hell. I did the only thing I could think of. I gently held her cheek and kissed her. Her lips were trembling for a while but then she relaxed.

“Are you alright now?” I asked, as I pulled away from that hell of a kiss. She looked at me, blushing bright red. I quickly got into the seat, taking care of the safety bar. She took my hand this time and squeezed hard. The car began to roll up and she was already throwing F-bombs all over the field.Then came the drop.

“F********CK!” I laughed hard at her child some personality. The twist and turns weren’t bad but right before the drops, she was “effing” away.

The forty second ride was finally over. Airi plopped out of her seat, looking as if she accomplished something huge.

“That was so fun. Let’s go again.” She looked extremely high. Her bangs were pushed back from the wind and her cheeks were pink from the heat and the excitement. Shit, I was whipped. 

The next few rides weren’t as great. Airi took every chance she got to ride any roller coaster, but she always referred to the first one. When we got to the arcade, she freaked when she saw a crazy big, white tiger plushy. 

“I suck at shooting games,” she frowned.

“Noah, can you win me the Hello Kitty?”

“Get me the Tweetie Bird, Jordan!”

“Owen, now you have to win me something.”

“Same with you, Lorenzo.”

“Alright. We’ll do it, but we get something in return,” said Lorenzo.

“How about a strip tease?”

“Shut up Noah,” said Sadie, smiling at him.

“How about kisses?” asked Eliyza.

“Good enough,” replied Owen.

“Hold up. We have no say in this,” I said, wanting more of a skin thing.

“It’s settled. Kisses for plush toys.” I sarcastically glowered at Airi, as she retaliated by batting her eyelashes. We paid for our guns and got in a chair. The object of the game was to shoot inside the star.

“On your mark, get set, GO!” I took my aim and pulled the trigger. It was easy. After shooting squirrels with dad for fifteen years in the winter, this was nothing.  When the game was over, I had, apparently, hit the mark perfectly, six times. So I got three prizes. Jordan and Noah had lost so I gave two of the prizes to their girlfriends.

“You're a serious fail at this, Jordan!” Nadia took the prize of her choice and gave me an unexpected kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks Liam. Sorry for stealing your two extra prizes, Airi,” said Sadie, seething at Noah.

“Well done, cowboy,” said Airi, taking the tiger that was about her height.

“Don’t play with that too often. You gotta leave some room for me.” I grinned when she stuck her tongue out at me. With that, Airi gave me a nice, mouthy kiss. When we let go, everyone was staring at us. We began to walk to the restaurant that was right ahead, trying to escape the awkwardness. The girls caught up with her, pulling her to the opposite side, whispering loudly.

“So are you a guys a thing or what?” asked Owen.

“Yeah, you guys kiss in public,” Lorenzo added.

“Well, it’s not as bad as you guys with your girlfriends,” I replied.

“Yeah, key word, girlfriends. So is she yours or not?”

“I haven’t really asked her.”

“But don’t you two have sex?”

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