Chapter 28: Farewell

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The doctor's words lingered in our minds as we embarked on the drive back home. The weight of anticipation filled the air, casting a profound atmosphere over us. Becky, lost in her thoughts, immediately ushered the kids to their room upon our arrival, urging them to take a much-needed nap. Obliging, they retreated to the comfort of their own space.

With a heaviness in my heart, I followed Becky to her room, hoping to bridge the growing chasm between us. However, she remained indifferent, absorbed in her own world. She immersed herself in stacks of paperwork in her office, while I stood silently at the threshold, a mere spectator to her disinterest.

"Becca..." My voice quivered, on the verge of cracking. "I need to explain." At long last, I found the courage to speak.

Becky's attention was finally piqued. She desired an explanation for my actions, the reason behind my deceit and the choice to work as a nanny for her children, despite my substantial wealth.

"Tell me, Freen. Why did you do it?" Her voice dripped with contempt, her eyes welling up with tears.

"I scarcely know where to begin," I whispered, overwhelmed by the weight of my emotions.

"Then start with my question!" Becky's voice rang out, seething with frustration. "Tell me why you chose to become a nanny for my children. What motives lie beneath? Did someone coerce you into this?"

"I did it to find my way back to you," I confessed, my head bowed low as my tears started to flow.

I wasn't one to easily succumb to tears, but when it came to Becky, they always seemed to find their way to the surface.

"We hardly know each other, Freen. What do you mean?" Becky scoffed, her disbelief palpable. "Don't lie to me."

"Do you recall those moments when you confided in me? When you admitted that you found solace in my presence, unable to sleep soundly without seeing me or the children? Even though your mind may have forgotten, your heart did not," I explained, desperate for her to understand.

Becky huffed, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Forgetful, you say? Perhaps I suffer from amnesia now," Becky retorted, a bitter chuckle escaping her lips.

"That pill your best friend gave you wasn't a sleeping aid; it was benzodiazepine. You're well aware of its side effects, aren't you?" I asked.

Furrowing her brows, Becky inspected the bottle of medicine with meticulous scrutiny, her gaze eventually meeting mine as realization dawned upon her. Her trembling hands released the bottle, letting it crash onto the floor.

I rushed to her side, catching her as she crumbled under the weight of the truth she had just unearthed.

"Nat wanted to send our children abroad, to separate them from you," I divulged, my voice heavy with the revelation. "He desires you so intensely that he would go to great lengths to have you all to himself."

Becky pushed me away, vehemently shaking her head, unwilling to accept the revelations that confronted her.

As we regained our footing, Becky retreated to the couch, massaging her temples, signaling her need for space. Although my instinct was to sit beside her, she halted me with a raised hand.

"Where were you then? When I gave birth? When I raised our children? If you were truly my lover, where were you?" she questioned, her tone a mixture of pain and accusation.

That was the question I had desperately hoped to avoid, one for which I had an answer, but the words stuck in my throat, refusing to be spoken.

"She was out, kissing another man."

Nat's sudden appearance caused my eyes to widen in disbelief. His enraged gaze and clenched fists left no doubt as to his intentions.

"You witnessed it, Becky. You saw her kissing another man, and so you left her. You came to me, and I only provided those drugs because you begged me to help you forget her," Nat explained, his voice tinged with an air of manipulation. He took a seat beside Becky, reaching out for her hand. "You told me you wanted nothing to do with Freen, that you were desperate to erase her from your memory."

My heart sank, my mind reeling. How could Nat stoop so low? He was poisoning Becky's mind, deliberately distorting the truth.

"But what about the children? Why would you send them away?" Becky questioned, her belief seemingly swaying towards Nat's version of events.

"Because Fern is unwell, and I wanted to find the best doctor for her. The initial results were inconclusive, and I couldn't bring myself to accept them. So, I reached out to someone who could connect me with the finest medical expertise," Nat explained, his words coated in an unsettling charm.

Please, Becky. Don't believe him.

Becky regarded me with disdain, her decision seemingly made.

"Bid farewell to your children, for you shall not see them again after this."

Why? Why did you choose to believe him over me? Why, Becky?

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