Chapter 21: Daddy

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"Ah, Fern and France!" I affectionately called out to the children as I bustled around the dining area, preparing their breakfast. Lately, Becky had been swamped with her responsibilities at her flourishing clothing brand, leaving me as the primary caretaker for our two adorable darlings.

Fern and France, bless their little hearts, never ceased to amaze me. Whenever Becky was absent, they showered me with such genuine love and treated me as if I were their own mother. Just yesterday, they confessed that they felt a deeper connection with me, as if I were their true maternal figure, since Becky often seemed preoccupied and distant.

Of course, I understood Becky's dedication. She tirelessly poured her efforts into her work, tirelessly striving to provide our children with the bright and prosperous future they so rightfully deserved.

My own upbringing had been a trying one, born into an unfortunate family where I was thrust into work at a tender age. Growing up bereft of parental affection and solitary, I empathized with the struggles our little ones were currently experiencing.

"We're sulking, nanny," Fern pouted, feigning an attempt to hide beneath the table, even though her little feet gave her away.

"And why might that be?" I inquired, gently kneeling to peek beneath the tablecloth. "What has led you to this state of sulking?"

"Mom left again before we even had the chance to open our eyes. You didn't wake us up," Fern mumbled, her voice barely audible, as she curled up into a small ball, hugging her knees.

France entered the dining area, his curiosity piqued as he, too, peered beneath the table. "Why are you hiding there, Fern? Nanny has prepared your favorite treats," he chimed in, and in an instant, Fern's face lit up like a radiant sunbeam.

France reached out, clasping Fern's hand, and together they settled into their chairs. It warmed my heart to witness this beautiful sight, along with France's thoughtful gesture of serving Fern a generous portion of her preferred dish.

Not to be outdone, France playfully stood on his chair and expertly poured a glass of water for Fern.

"Feast heartily, my dearest princess. Later, nanny will grant us the pleasure of watching the epic tale of the Avengers!" France giggled, affectionately tousling Fern's hair, his love and care evident in every gesture.

Taking my seat before them, I silently observed their joyous mealtime, feeling a deep sense of gratitude towards my own mother for imparting her culinary wisdom upon me. It was through this simple act of cooking that I could bring happiness to my cherished children.

Lost in my thoughts, a sudden realization struck me. If Becky had named our children after me, it meant she must have remembered me during those missing years. But when did she begin to lose her memories?

"France, ever since Uncle Nat came into our lives, Mom has been disappearing," Fern murmured, her pout returning as she laid down her utensils in frustration.

"They are doing whatever they can to provide for us," France calmly explained, his hand soothingly rubbing Fern's back.

"I don't want him to be our father. He's stealing Mom away!" Fern suddenly burst into tears, prompting me to draw closer to comfort her. "He's a wicked man, treating me differently from you, France."

Her words held a profound revelation.

Perhaps Nat disliked Fern because he saw too much of me reflected in her. He feared that Becky growing closer to Fern would trigger her memories of our shared past.

Nat had been plotting to separate her from her children, desiring to keep Becky all to himself. It dawned on me that my initial impression

of him, when we first crossed paths at their school, had been woefully mistaken. And the encounter at the beach further solidified my suspicions.

Nat was never the virtuous man he pretended to be.

"Come here, Fern. If you don't want Uncle Nat, I can be the father figure you seek. What would you like to call me?" I asked, a gentle smile gracing my face.

With teary eyes, Fern wiped her cheeks with her tiny hands before gazing at me, her cries escalating. With great fervor, she flung herself into my arms, exclaiming, "I want to call you Daddy!" Her heartfelt words sent ripples of emotion through my being as her delicate arms clung tightly around my neck.

Turning to France, I found him staring at me with pleading eyes, silently urging me to grant Fern's heartfelt request.

"For now, you may call me Daddy when your mom is absent. But if they return, refer to me as Nanny once more. Do you understand, Fern?" I whispered, planting a tender kiss on her forehead.

Fern nodded in agreement, reciprocating the affection by pressing her lips against my forehead, a surge of butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I had always believed that only Becky possessed the power to evoke such sensations within me.

"Can I call you Dad as well?" France inquired, fidgeting with his fingers, a nervous anticipation filling the air. "I wish to share moments together as a father and son."

A warm smile spread across my face as I replied, "Of course, my dear. Why not?" I beckoned him to join our loving embrace.

Never could I have imagined that forming such an intimate bond with my children would come so naturally. I yearned to bring them home, to create a loving family unit with Becky by my side. However, my first priority was to rekindle Becky's memory of our profound love.

Once she remembered, I vowed to cherish her unconditionally, with a love that knew no bounds.

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