Chapter 24: Magazine

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The reappearance of Blew stirred within me a concoction of emotions, unfamiliar yet potent. It was as though a delicate dance unfolded between fear and assurance, a conflict of uncertainty and trust.

During our years of collaboration, Blew remained oblivious to the intricacies of my life. I kept my defenses up, reluctant to grant him access as Heng had when we first embarked on this journey. He never exposed my vulnerability, yet a lingering apprehension persisted, fearing that he held knowledge concealed from me.

He, the enigmatic donor of the IVF process.

"Who was that man we glimpsed at the amusement park?" France's voice broke the silence, emerging from behind.

I steered the vehicle, while Becky dozed in the passenger seat, and the two children were in the back. Fern was lost in peaceful slumber, leaving France with a restless curiosity about Blew.

"Why do you ask? He seemed like an ordinary stranger," I responded.

"But the way he gazed at you, it was as if you were a precious gem, rare and irreplaceable." I chuckled at France's whimsical description of Blew's stare.

"Truly? Do you think he fancies me?" I asked, laughter dancing in my voice.

"Yes. The way he looked at you, reminiscent of how Uncle Nat gazes at Mom. A certain kind of romance, you know?" France pouted, his gaze fixated on the passing scenery. "However, I don't resent him for harboring such feelings. He appears to be a good man."

"Fear not, France. If you worry that I might abandon you for another, rest assured, it shall never come to pass." I smiled, though unseen by him.

France remained silent for the remainder of the journey. Observing this, Becky suggested that I settle Fern for bedtime in her room, while she engaged France in a private conversation.

I couldn't fathom what had transpired between them. Was France upset because someone admired me? Or did he perceive Blew as a hindrance to the possibility of Becky and me uniting?

"Earlier, I overheard you conversing with my brother near the car," Fern spoke up as I tenderly swathed her body with a warm, velvety towel. "I saw the man he mentioned, and he seemed to cast his gaze upon us as well."

"He's merely a stranger, Fern. Pay him no mind," I replied, struggling to find the words to clarify the situation, so I resorted to urging them to dismiss it from their thoughts.

Blew would never inflict harm upon them. Beneath his fallible nature, he possessed kindness and a tender heart.

"I feel as though I've encountered him elsewhere, aside from the amusement park," Fern continued, dashing off to retrieve something from beneath her bed.

Curiosity compelled me to follow, and to my astonishment, she took out a box overflowing with magazines—all of them featuring my face and Blew on the cover.

"Uncle Nat stashed these away during his last visit, instructing me to keep them hidden from Mom. Since she rarely checks beneath the bed, often forgetting things, it seems she forgot about these magazines as well." Fern divulged.

I perused the magazines, realizing they dated back two to three years. Although not recent, one undeniable truth surfaced.

Becky sought information about me before her memory vanished.

Now, I yearned to discern whether Becky had elected to abandon me that night or if it was Nat's conniving scheme. Did Becky truly cease to love me, or did that accursed drug Nat administered cloud her true affections?

"Dad, your hands are trembling. Are you well?" Fern inquired, grasping my hands with her small, comforting touch.

Anger seeped away, washed aside by her presence. It was inappropriate to expose her to my rage towards someone else.

I knelt to meet her gaze, dressing her in her nightclothes. My fingers caressed her cheeks, and a smile graced my lips.

"I want you to keep this a secret. Can you promise not to reveal this to Mom?" I beseeched.

Fern nodded, a smile adorning her face. "I had intended to show her tonight, but since you've asked..." She extended her little finger. "I promise, I won't tell Mom." Giggles escaped her, and I joined in with a chuckle.

I returned the magazines to the box, sliding it back beneath the bed.

"Did Uncle Nat inform you of his return date?" I inquired once more.

Fern tilted her head, nodding. "He shall return tomorrow, bringing with him the results of my tests."

Excellent. I must prepare myself for a lengthy explanation to Becky, how I shall lay bare Nat's intricate scheme, and endeavor to open her mind to the truth. Whether she welcomes me back into her heart or not remains uncertain, but I must make the attempt—for her sake and that of our children.

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