Chapter 6: Contract

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"What do you mean I signed a contract with you? That's absurd!" I yelled at the new CEO of Idol Company. "I haven't signed anything."

"The contract is in front of you, Ms. Freen. Do you want me to file a lawsuit?" Richard asked and crossed his arms.

We are in his office right now for the reason I renew the contract for 3 years when in fact I badly want to leave.

"Your manager took more than a million for that contract. She gave me an affidavit signed by yours. I can show you that as well," he said and smirked.

I massaged my temple as I heaved a sigh. I remember when she asked me to sign a blank paper because I was in a hurry. I didn't know she was going to use it for this.

She'd been my manager for more than ten years! I trusted her with my life and yet she did this. For whom? For what? For money? She betrayed me and our years of friendship for a million! What the hell!

"I don't want to star again with any roles. I don't want to act anymore. Can I apply for a job as a staff or what?" I asked in a stern voice.

Although I couldn't do those jobs, I badly need to finish the contract. They can sue me if I don't. And that's not good for my record.

Richard tilted his head in thought. He snapped his fingers and move closer to me with his swivel chair.

"I have a different to offer." He smirked at me and motioned me to come closer. "I have a sister. I'm sure you know her, right?" he asked.

My eyebrows lifted. I know her sister very well, and I don't like what is running inside his head.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"I'll let you do whatever you want, but you have to look after her." He plastered a smile that I badly want to rip.

I smiled in the most awkward way I know. Fuck him. She's the reason why I don't want to act anymore. To avoid her in any way I can and yet he's telling me to take care of her. Doesn't she have parents?

"How can I do what I want if I'm going to babysit your sister?" I asked and crossed my arms as I leaned on the chair in front of him. "Besides, she has a boy best friend who loves her so much. So why would I bother?"

Richard nodded as if he understood what I was saying. He cracked his knuckles and looked at me with knitted brows.

"I don't trust him, so I'm appointing you." Richard sighed and turned to his computer. "If you don't want to accept it, then I'll see you in court."

I rolled my eyes.

I don't have a choice! Now, how can Becky move on from me if she will see me every day? How can we both move on from the memories we once shared? This old hag is getting on my nerves.

"Stop killing me in your mind and go to the address I sent you. You'll see Becky there," he said in a cold baritone voice. "Now."

I sighed and grabbed my purse. I turned my back and went out. People were looking at me, smiling as if they miss me.

As if.

I checked my email and saw Richard's message. He asked me to bring milk tea for her sister and even noted what to add and its sugar level.

What a nice transition in my career. From being a star to Becky's servant.

"Miss, you're Freen Sarocha right?" the barista asked.

I nodded and lowered my head a bit and looked around to see if someone recognized me other than her.

"You know what, I don't believe that you signed that contract. Someone forced you, right?" She added as she handed me the coffee.

I bought one for myself.

"It doesn't matter who did it. It's done now," I respond.

The barista nodded her head and waved goodbye as I left the coffee shop.

I stepped into my car and drove after I put down the coffee on the cup holder.

I need to go to the address he sent or else he'll increase the fine I need to pay.

"Damn this heavy traffic," I whispered to myself.

My phone suddenly rings amidst my conversation with myself. It was Becky calling me. I put it on speaker and coldly greeted her.

"Where are you right, babe?" she asked as if we were still together. "I woke up without you beside me again. Are you on your way to the company?"

Honestly, I don't believe that Becky has some sort of memory loss. Where she will get it? She didn't have any accidents. She was healthy until she forgot about everything.

I also talked to some doctors I know and they said that it's impossible to have one if she wasn't stressed or what.

"Can you stop calling me babe? I'm no longer your fiancée," I reminded her.

"Oh." I heard her utter. "Sorry. I forgot."

"I'm on my way there, let's talk about something." I ended the call and the cars in front of me started moving so I stepped on the gas.

I need you to be honest, Becky. If you're playing with me, I won't forgive you with all my life.

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