Chapter 11: Project

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It's already 9 am and I just arrived at the parking lot of the building. It wasn't late but they would consider it as late since they wanted me to be here as early as I could.

Early this morning, Becky didn't want me to leave because of her morning sickness. I also didn't want to leave her in that state. So, when she felt fine I told her that I was going to work and she told me to take care of myself.

I didn't want to go to work but I have to. I couldn't focus at all since I was thinking about what was happening to Becky at home. Is she fine? Is she throwing up again?

My feet journeyed heavily to the sidewalk of the parking lot. I was reading my script to divert my attention when I suddenly bumped into someone, causing my papers to fall on the floor.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled and picked up the papers without looking at the stranger in front of me.

"You're too occupied. Why is that?"

My eyebrows furrowed at the familiar voice, causing me to look up and see who it was. I rolled my eyes when I saw his face. Him again. Why does it have to be him out of all people?

"Yeah, thinking something important." I faked a smile.

Blew nodded and walked with me. I tried to walk fast but he was keeping his pace with me. I couldn't ask this guy to stay away from me since the company wanted us to be partners.

"How many years have you been an artist?" he asked when we entered the elevator.

"Almost a decade. Why?" I asked back, trying to know why is he interested in me.

"Nothing. My sister was a fan of yours before. She came here to audition but you're no longer the CEO back then so she quit." Blew shook his head. "She has favoritism."

"I can't blame your sister, though. I'm one-of-a-kind," I boasted and looked at the red light, indicating which floor we were.

"She also told me about your previous partner. Ex-husband." He shrugged and pursed his lips. "Why did you two break up?" he asked.

"Because he almost killed me," I answered nonchalantly and went out of the elevator after the ding.

Blew followed me until we reached the conference room. Everyone was there and were the only ones they were waiting.

"Sit down, we need to briefly discuss the revision with the two of you," the director said and pressed the remote to change the slide on the projector.

Blew and I sat at the end of the table and read what was written on the presentation.

Matured scenes? What the hell?

My forehead started to sweat as the director discuss what would be the plot.

I don't want to do mature scenes anymore. Especially kissing guys is not in my vocabulary now. It's not that I am picky but if Becky sees me since she always watches television, she will be jealous and overthink. I don't want that to happen.

"Is the bed scene necessary?" Blew raised his hand and asked the question. "I mean, this is a comeback movie, and most of her baby fans are between 17-20 years old. I don't think this scene would be appropriate."

During my entire career, no one asked the director like that. All we did was listen and do what they wanted us to do. No questions and no buts.

"Then what can you suggest, Mr. Worrapon?" the director asked.

"A kissing scene would be enough. I'm sorry, but I can't do a rated 18 scenes." Blew shook his head.

The director agreed, making me heave a deep sigh. It was a relief.

Blew looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows. I smiled at him and thanked him for that. I couldn't say those since I was no longer the same Freen they all loved before. I'm no longer their CEO.

After the meeting, I walked into the hallway to look around since I'm missing this place. I still remember everything. What happened in every room, and what happened in this very room–my favorite dressing room.

"What are you doing here?" Blew asked.

It's him again.

"Nothing. Just reminiscing. Aren't you going home?" I asked and looked at him in the eyes.

Blew avoided my gaze and lowered his head as he clasped his hands together. "Can I ask you out? Like a date, you know?"

I raised my left eyebrow. Wow, where did he get that courage?

"I can eat with you but don't consider it a date," I said and took out my phone from my purse.

I checked my inbox to see if Becky messaged me or if she wanted something but nothing. Maybe she forgot about her cravings for today.

"Let's go now. I have to go home early," I said and walked past him.

I felt Blew following me but he was having a hard time keeping on my pace. I didn't want to walk with him side by side. It was awkward.

When we reached the parking lot, he offered that he would drive but I refused. I have a car and what's the use of this if I will hop on his vehicle, right?

Blew followed me until we reached the restaurant near Becky's house. I went out and he walked behind me. He looked like my bodyguard. Damn.

"Table for one, ma'am?" the waiter asked me.

"Two, please." I smiled.

The waiter looked behind and nodded when he saw Blew. I guess he wasn't popular at all. Now, I wonder if they are using me to make this guy famous.

"People are acting strange, can't you tell?" Blew muttered while looking around. "They're looking at us even though the movie hasn't been released yet."

I rolled my eyes.

I motioned him to sit and asked for the menu. I ordered pasta because I would still eat at the house. I wanted to have dinner with Becky but I have to accept his invitation to create a headline about us.

From here, I could see some paparazzi taking pictures of us. They are good at following and invading people's private lives. I wonder why their job is still legal.

I smiled when I caught someone taking a picture of me. Blew looked at me confusedly so I motioned him to move forward so I could whisper in his ear.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Tomorrow, we would be on the hot search."

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