31. A little rat among us

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Valerie Da Vinci came over to ask me about Dru. It was my word that could save him from getting locked up. Do I want that?

Of course I do!

Pretending that this was a plan of his and I was supposed to be his hostage. Valerie took every word off my lips, without a single doubt of feeling suspicions. Dru's eyes lost their spark, staring to the floor. He didn't hear me, but someone must have told him about his situation. I could tell he was afraid, being back in prison.

The girl's heard the noises outside, but were too sick to walk. The sugar in their gut was doing it's damage. Their only walk they could do, was one to the toilet. With Dru gone, the girls sick and a confused mind, nothing could prepare me for Gru's return.

His eyes were wide, while his girls greeted him with pale faces, throwing up again. The minute he spotted me, he came over, "What is the meaning of this?!"

The ice blue eyes scared me, "Candy."
One word didn't satisfy him, he wanted the full story. Leaving a few details aside, I told him about Dru helping me out. At this, he interrupted, "He was supposed to take care of the minions."

"He said that he was also babysitting the girls...you told him to."

"That good-for-nothing brother of mine...where is he now?"


Gru's eyes darkened, "What do yo mean gone?!"

His angered expression turned to fear, as I explained him about the incident on the street, not including the dangerous stunt I pulled. For Gru was this a nightmare. His entire life just gets a whole lot worse. To change the subject, I asked him where he has been. His reply was short and simple, "By an old man I once knew." Of course he wont tell who it was, he had to swear not to say his name to anyone. I could tell how tense he was with the whole problems around him. This was not something I wanted to deal with, coming up with an excuse to leave for the night. Thankfully, he didn't needed to here the reason, giving me the money and wished me a good night was all he did. Once the door was shut behind me, the door of the lab opened. Kevin looked through it, curious of the loud noise he heard, "...N\A?" It seems that they didn't know of my babysitting tonight or what just happened, after all, they had their own party downstairs.

Gru's night was spend by treating the girls and get them to bed. Later on, he got into his pyjama and sat on his own bed. With trembling hands, he dialed Lucy's number. After the fourth ring she picked up.

"Lucy speaking"

"Hey...its me."

He heard Lucy giggle from the other end, "How are you dear?"

" Not bad, not bad. i just...miss you, that's all."

Lucy knows her husband better than that, he voice change to a serious tone, "Gru....what is going on?"

Not to worry her about the girls or that fact, that his brother is back in jail...he told her something else, "I visited someone from the past, I am sure you aren't pleased with it, but I was hoping to get more information about Shadow."

Her voice was still dead serious, "Where did you go?"

"The bank of evil"


Her husband knew that she would react like that, "No honey, it is not what you think. Really, it was just for information."

"I hope so. What did you find out?"

Gru's voice lost it's strength, "To be honest...nothing." Lucy waited, until he continued, "Mr. Perkins just told me about his past, how he worked with my dad on evil plans. He never met Shadow in person, so he has no idea who she might be."

Lucy didn't say a word, pressing something on the other end. Her husband got curious,"What are you doing?"

"Sorry honey, I have to get my report done. My new partner is not the brightest when it comes to technology. I miss you so much. I can't wait to get home."

"Same sweety."

Suddenly, her voice went back to a cheerful tone, "Anyway, how are the girls?"

Gru got a little uncomfortable, "You know them, the sweetest angels in the world."

"And Dru?"

"...very helpful..." he had to bite his tongue at this.

"I am glad it works out so well with you. Okay, I have to get going with the report, say hi to the girls okay? ...bye bye honey."

Gru dropped the phone onto his bedsheets, sighting deeply. It is not like he had lied to her that bad, but he didn't tell the truth either. Either way, he feels awful. This night,he was hunted by nightmares and a bad conscience.

Unlike me, I was thrilled to get back home.

The next day was Bratt's game of roleplay in school and the others, were getting ready for the new plan of mine. But once I got through the door, Scarlett was waiting for me. This wasn't like her.

"What is it Overkill?"

She got closer to me, whispering into my ear, "Shadow, I think we got a rat in our group."

"A rat?"

Scarlett nodded, pointing upstairs. Suspicious, I got up and stopped at Eduardo's door. Turning back to Scarlett, she nodded once more. Could it be? Listening from the other side, I heard him talk to someone. The voice was familiar, where did I heard it before? An old man's voice. They discussed a plan, which was to get revenge on Gru. Furious at this, I slammed open the door, seeing Eduardo and...Nefario?

"What the hell is going on here, Eduardo, Dr. Nefario?!"

"Shadow my sweet, we were plotting revenge on Gru. Dr. Nefario wanted to change sides again, we worked together before you know."

I turned to the Professor,asking him about him being a traitor to Gru. He said, that he wont mind as long as he can be evil again." Unfortunately, they both might get in my way of plans. They have got to go.

"Bratt, Herb, Vector...come here at once!!!!"

Once they all appeared, I pointed at Eduardo and Nefario, "We have traitors among us. You all know what that means."
With a nod, they grabbed the two and took them into the cellar. Herb rubbed his hands excited, "What do you have in mind Shadow?"

I grinned evil, "How about a nice Birthday present for my dearest enemy."

The evil shadow (Despicable me x reader)Where stories live. Discover now