Chapter 58

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Shawn POV

I felt the pull to her getting close. I don't know why I knew she was this way, I have no bond to her, except her being my sister and Luna. Running through the woods, I stumbled when my skin started to heat up, burning my flesh to the point I collapsed. Gritting my teeth, I regained my footing, racing through the dense woods. I had no clue what was happening but knew it was my sister that made me overheat.

I came to a stand still when a rustling noise came up behind me. I turned around quickly, not expecting the hit that connected with my head. Collapsing to the ground in a heap, I shook it off, stunned that somebody got the drop on me. Growling, I lunged at the man that knocked me down, my skin burning fiercely. The moment my hands connected to his body, he screamed in pain. Looking at the mans burned skin, laying limp on the ground, I looked at my hands to see them glowing brightly.

Not wanting to waste time, I took off again to find my sister. Men after men, kept coming out at me. I didn't have time for this. My anger building up in me forced the shift. Colliding with the first guy I seen I lunged at his throat, ripping it out as I landed on my paws, dropping his throat as I run. "Devin! I'm close. She's near the back of the mountain." I yelled through the link. I couldn't wait for him. My legs pounded into the ground, jumping over broken trees, dodging the men as they kept trying to stop me. They were fast, I shouldn't have been able to outrun them but the more my anger exploded the faster my paws dug up the ground.

I finally came to a cave, I felt her so close and I shifted back, knowing I couldn't fit through in wolf form. My skin radiated heat so intense it felt like I was on fire. I couldn't explain it, but in human form was so much pain I gritted my teeth and continued forward. "Almost there Shawn. Something is happening - Do you feel it?" I heard Devin through the link. I thought it was just me feeling the heat, thinking it was my blood connection being her brother. I never would have thought it affected the whole pack. "Stay in wolf form as long as you can. The minute you shift, the pain gets worse. I'm at the caves. She's in here somewhere, I can feel her! Hurry up, but watch out, there are men trying to stop you. If you push yourself harder you can outrun them in Gunner."

Sniffing the air slightly, I picked up her scent. It's weak but there. I headed towards the left, following her scent but kept alert. I knew they would throw what ever they could at me to stop me. I didn't feel her moving anymore, like for some reason they just stopped. Something was wrong, and I just hoped that Lilly could handle what ever that pain was that is affecting us. We all know it was from her, the bond to the pack. "Shit!" I looked ahead, trying to find a way to get through the cave, but the walls were caved in on themselves. It would take awhile to dig through the mess. Looking around, I seen a ledge above. Moving backwards I look carefully and listen and see that there was an opening just past the ledge. "How the hell am I going to get up there?" I thought when suddenly, I shifted. Max took over running quickly, jumping up on the ledge before he gave me back control.

"What the hell Max." I stated. Looking down at the ground, I shook my head. "You could have seriously killed us, what were you thinking?" "I don't know. I feel different. Stronger, lighter." Max replied. Shaking my head after looking down off the ledge one more time, I turned around and took off down the tunnel. The noises were getting louder, she was so close. "Devin! We found her! She's inside the mountain. Go around and cut them off, they are heading to the other side of it." I screamed through the link, hoping he would be able to make it here before they left.

Cautiously, I proceed. Making sure to keep my eyes peeled for an entryway down a level to get to them. Once I came to an opening in the cave floor, I felt this crumbling pain that brought me to my knees.

Lillian's POV

They kept dragging me along the cave, the heat from my body radiating more and more, crippling me. The smell of their skin sizzling waffled to my nose, making me gag. I could feel everyone of the pack members, felt their pain. I always was able to feel the pack, but never could I feel inside their souls, their anguish. My eyes burned brightly as Lola pressed forward, finally coming back to me. "Lola." I try to get her attention. "Lola, what is happening." I try again, when she suddenly took control and growled loudly.

I crawled onto my hands and knees, gritting my teeth through the pain. My body glowing brightly, like the beams of light from the moon. The men stood around me, staring at my agony, it pissed me off that they would find joy in watching others pain. My head darted upward to look at them, I could see right into them. They were scared, not for me but for them. They had no idea what was happening, but they feared it. I smelled the fear pouring through their skin, making my mouth water. Lola, loved the smell they were putting off, making her partially shift. My teeth elongated, my claws broke through my fingertips, and my eyes burned even brighter as she came forward wanting to taste the smell of that fear they couldn't hold back.

They looked at each other and back to me, but the minute they took a step back, Lola pounced. She sunk her canines into the neck of the man Jason called Jacob. Her claws stabbing deep into his ribs along the side to hold him in place. Jason's breathing hitched as he turned quickly to run off, but the movement made Lola snap into overdrive and she was on him before he even took a step. Ripping her claws down his back, spraying blood everywhere. She growled loudly at the taste, like it was something that she was craving.

Lola's head snapped around quickly, hearing a sound coming up from behind her. The racing t humping of a heartbeat grabbed her attention away from mauling Jason to death as she turned so quickly it gave me a headache. I was a prisoner in my own head, screaming at myself when I seen Paul walking up slowly behind us. Screaming that Lola would be sane enough to know it was my brother and not to attack him in her crazed state.  

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