Chapter 31

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Lillian POV

I wanted to go with Devin, but he snuck out long before I had a chance to argue with him. I know he was becoming frustrated with me constantly arguing with him, but damn he needs to answer me when I ask him a question and stop hiding things. Stepping out of the bedroom, I see Leon standing guard, leaning against the wall. Shaking my head, I walk past him heading toward the kitchen. Leon follows not far behind. Stopping before I reach the stairs, I turn to look at him. "You can stop following me everywhere. If I leave the pack house I will let you know." I snap getting annoyed. My attitude and stomach have been playing hell with me for a couple of weeks now. Everything smells bad, and their constant scent around me makes me nauseous. The only smell I yearn for was Devin's.

I found Paula in the kitchen fixing lunch, walking over to the refrigerator, I smile as I pull out some juice. "So what is the Luna going to be doing today?" Paula asks as she wipes her hands on the tea towel. I grown at the horrid smell of whatever was cooking. I never had a chance to answer as I rush to the bathroom to throw up. Wiping my mouth, and splashing water on my face, I took my time leaving and heading back to the kitchen. "Luna, Are you okay? You've not been eating very well lately." Paula states with a sympathetic look on her face. "I'm fine Paula. I must have a stomach bug or something." I tell her as I poured the rest of the juice down the sink, and rinsing the cup.

Raidon walks in as I head outside toward the pond, wanting some fresh air. He looks at me worriedly, and then glances at Paula. I walk outside, setting down on the bench at the pond, Raidon never followed me out. Relived, I sat there trying to take in all the fresh air hoping to feel better, when I heard leaves rustling around the surrounding forest. My eyes snapped up, my ears perked trying to take in my surroundings when all of a sudden I was grabbed from behind. Before I could scream, a hand was wrapped around my mouth and nose with a cloth that had a sweet smell to it. I was fading fast, the surroundings became darker as I fought to keep my eyes open. Trying to open the mind-link before darkness took me I barely got out a few words before I fell into the darkness. "Raidon, Pond...."

My eyes felt heavy as I tried to open them. I don't know how long I was out for, but my surroundings were finally starting to come back. I look around dazed, I was no longer at the pack house. Where the hell was I? All I could see was stone walls, and a steal door. I slowly gain my footing as I used the wall to push myself up to stand. Walking over to the door, I tried opening it to find it locked. My head was throbbing, and my stomach was not being cooperative. Looking around to see if there is any other way out, I was completely closed in. No windows, No weapons at all. Just a cot and four walls is all there was. My head pounded to its own beat, when Alpha Devin's voice forced its way through. "Where are you?" He exclaimed with a tone of worry. "I don't know. I am locked in some brick room. I don't think I'm on pack land anymore." I mumble as my head throbs even harder to push the message through the link. "I'll find you as long as you remain awake, my love. Stay strong, I'm coming!" he states as the link closes. The ache lessens when the link finally closes, I listen to see if I can hear anything that can give me any idea to where I am to help Devin in his search.

The silence was definitely getting to me until I pick up on slight chatter far in the distance. With Lola's help, I listen carefully as I heard a woman's voice ordering a man to stay guard, that nobody is to go down the hall, not even her mate. The voice sounded so familiar as I tried to place where I heard it before. Staggering toward the cot, I sit down when suddenly the door opens. An older man, burly looking strolls in with a tray. His demeanor was sympathetic as he watched me carefully as he placed the tray on the cot next to me. "Eat." he muttered as he walked back out, closing the door behind him.

Glancing down at the tray, I noticed a sandwich; apple, and some other mush that made my stomach turn. I took the bottle of water, and placed the tray by the door, far away from me. Laying down, I hoped my stomach would settle quickly. I took the bottle of water and placed it on my head trying to relive the pounding headache I still have. Staring up at the ceiling, it finally registered where I hear that voice. Amelia. That crazy bitch was the one that has me here. I searched my mind, hoping to open the link to Devin to let him know I was with Amelia when the sudden movement from lurching forward had my stomach up turn. I lunched myself off of the cot and threw up on the food tray by the door. "Well, at least now they got to clean up the mess." Lola laughed in my head.

Trying to open the link again, I was relived when he forced it open. "Devin, I'm with Amelia. I heard her voice. I'm somewhere there is corridors and she told the guide to not even let her mate down here." I sputtered out quickly. "Find her mate, and you should be able to find me." I shuddered. "Hang on, I'm coming. I have her mate here with me. She will feel pain and be very weak really soon." Devin stated.

How would she feel pain? What the hell was he talking about? I didn't understand what he was talking about till I heard a ear piercing scream echo from outside the walls. Minutes later, the door burst open and there stood Amelia, drenched in sweat. She rushed inside, grabbing ahold of me quickly before I had a chance to register what was happening. A guard was right outside, standing in the door frame. Her hand connected with my face, and a sudden growl escapes her. "Your mate will pay for that." She tried swinging again when she bent over clutching her head, I kicked her quickly in the face rushing towards the door. I knew then what Devin's words meant. It was the perfect opportunity to escape. As I rushed towards the door, the guard quickly grabbed me, but my claws extended and slashed open his thigh. His grip loosened quickly, dropping me to my feet as he looked at Amelia withering on the ground. "Don't just stand there you moron go after her!" she spat, but I never stood around to find out the guards reaction.

I darted down the corridor, towards a wooden door that I seen in the distance. I was hoping that the door was the way out of here. Slamming into the door, I scrambled to open it, Slinging it open to run into another guard that made me fall directly forward, landing on my hands and knees. My legs moved quickly, trying to gain traction on the waxed hardwood floor, when I was jerked backwards by my ankle. Looking back the guard had ahold of my foot, I quickly kicked him with my other leg, crushing his nose with the blow. Blood sprayed everywhere, as I regained my footing and took off through the halls to the front door up ahead. Guards surrounded the door quickly, so I pivoted and ran towards the light.

Guards started coming at me, when one finally pounced on me, knocking me through the sliding glass door that was in front of me. Glass shattered everywhere, raining down stabbing and slicing through my flesh. I moaned with pain and tried blocking it out when the guard wrapped his arm around my waist. I thrashed, wanting to shift but Lola would not let me. She whined in my head, worried for our safety. I grabbed a sliver of the broken glass and plunged it into his head. A scream so deafening rang out from him, it almost dropped me to the ground holding my ears. I managed to get back to my feet and took off running into the woods. The pain from the impaled glass in my side made it difficult to run for too long, panting I look around for a place to hide, when I heard the pounding of paws running along the forest floor. I jumped into the stream, hoping to mask my scent as I followed it deeper into the forest. Hiding in a hollow tree near the water, I tried mind-linking Devin but there was no luck. Gathering my composure, I grabbed some moss and quickly applied it to the wound to stem the bleeding. Searching the back of my mind, I try to connect with anyone when Tye's voice floated through my mind. "Luna! Where are you?" he screamed. "Amelia's pack lands. Past the pack house in the forest. Followed the river down, don't know how far." I replied. "We are almost there. Stay hidden. We will find you. Your people will come for you." Tye exclaimed as the link cut off.

I could hear howling and the many sounds of paws on the forest ground. Keeping the moss packed tightly on my wound, my body slowly began to heal. I was getting dizzy from the loss of blood, when all of a sudden I started to hear fighting break out close. Too scared to move, I remained in the log, trying to keep my eyes open.

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