Chapter 27

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After hours of slicing and dicing I had to return back to my mate. I left the prisoners in the hands of my men as they picked up right where I left off. Returning to my room, I stripped off the blood-soaked clothes and headed towards the shower. My beautiful mate was stirring in the bed. Slipping in the bathroom, I quickly took a shower washing off the caked-on blood that drenched my body. When I was done, I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked to the bed. Pulling the covers back, I dropped the towel, chucking it in the hamper, and climbed in under the covers. Needing some much needed sleep, letting the darkness take me.

My eyes fluttered open with the yelling of Leon, screaming through the link. Lillian clung to my chest, sprawled out on top of me. Rubbing my eyes, I try to make out what Leon was saying as I was still tired. "Alpha, we have some new information. When you can escape Luna we need to talk.". Leon announced through the link. "What? Just spit it out Leon. I swear if you woke me for nothing, your punishment will be severe." I blurted out not to thrilled with the tone he used. "I don't think it's a very good idea for me to tell you when you are near the Luna, Alpha. Just escape from her and come to your office." Leon retorted. "Be right there."

Untangling myself from Lilly, I slowly got out of bed, stuffing my pillow next to her face. Quickly putting a T-shirt on and some jeans, I rushed down to the office. Opening the door, the sight before me was intangible. "God guys. Couldn't you have at least showered first " I questioned, shaking my head. "Sorry Alpha but this was to important" Tye stampers.

Walking over to the desk, "well what is it?" I asked. Tye, Leon, Ray and Shawn were all staring at each other. "Well you see..." Leon started as he took a deep breath. "We questioned the prisoners..." Tye interrupted. They all looked at each other. "Come on spit it out!" I bellowed getting annoyed with the escapades they were doing. "Alpha we know Lillian is the target. But -" Leon scrambles to say as he nudges Shawn to speak. "Its Amelia. Apparently she is with Alpha Drake. She is his mate and is using Alpha Drake's men to seek revenge for being tossed aside and made rogue." Shawn blurted out quickly as he stepped towards the door.

Something inside me bursts out; I uplifted the desk, flipping it as my anger erupts. My men stepped back with their hands up in a surrendering way. They knew not to get in my way. My bones start snapping as hair erupts on my arms while I try to harness Gunner from shifting and taking control.

Gritting my teeth, I subdued Gunner, pushing him to the back of my mind. "Damn it." Looking around at the mess of my office. My Beta walks over and puts his hand on my shoulder, "we will protect her. Amelia won't be able to exact her revenge."

Breathing heavily, I sighed, "if I can't get to Amelia then her new mate Alpha Drake will do just fine." I said as I walk over to the bar.

"Alpha, you need to think this through. Don't go half cocked to seek revenge. You have Luna to think about." Tye said as he tries to reason with me. Sure, before I met Lil, I would most likely have walked right up to his doorstep and snapped his neck. Tye was right. I had my mate to think about now. A loud growl escaped from me, "I want that bitch dead and if I can't get her, Drake will do just fine."

I knew she would be hard to get a hold of, but if I could get my hands on Drake, torturing him would tear her to pieces. I would take his life slowly, making sure that she feels every ounce of pain her mate will endure through the bond they share. Slowly crippling the bond, pulling it to the brink of breaking. She will regret everything that she has done.

A couple hours passed as I stared out the window of my office. The maid had already came and cleaned up the office and the guys left to go clean up. Gulping the dink I had in my hand, I walked over to pour another when Lillian walked in the door. Not even glancing in her direction, I continued pouring my drink.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she headed towards the sofa. I let out a sigh as I swallowed the drink in one go. "I'm fine love." I replied as I poured another. "Liar." She says as she grabs my arm and pulls me towards her on the sofa. "Didn't we have this conversation before about hiding things from me." She says as she cups my face in her tiny hands.

"There is just somethings that you just don't need to worry about so I don't tell you." I told her as I leaned into her touch. God, what would I do if I could no longer feel her touch. I knew she would be safe here, but I needed to come up with a way to end this once and for all.

"I know the attack was for me. I also know it was Alpha Drake that attacked. There is no reason to hide the truth from me. I'm not scared of him." She said as she tucks her face into my chest.

She only knows half the truth, and I fight with myself if I should tell her who and why she is really being attacked. "Tell her, she may surprise you." Gunner tells me. There is no doubt that she probably would surprise me, for I have been shocked by her actions many times over. I knew she wasn't weak; she was born a Beta and now with my DNA in her just strengthen her to Alpha.

"Lil. There is much more to it than what you know. I'm struggling with telling you this but if you really want to know I won't lie." I said, letting out a Shaky breath. She straightens up, waiting for me to speak. I should have killed Amelia when she attacked my mate the first day. If I had, I wouldn't be getting ready to have this conversation. "Yes, it is true it was Alpha Drakes men that attacked and yes you are the target but not for the reasons that you may think." I stated as I kissed her hand. She lends into me, wrapping her hands around my waist and pressing her head into my chest. "Go on" she states. Wrapping my arms around her, "It might have been the Alpha's men but it wasn't his order." Lillian lifted her head to look at me. Her eyes were showing worry, but she waited for me to continue. "Amelia gave the order, she is seeking revenge." I blurted out, knowing if I didn't say it soon, I would never say it. The thought of even mentioning that bitches name made me angry.

I thought Lil was going to pull away from me, but she held me tighter and cupped my face in her hand, leaning upwards to kiss me. "I'm not going anywhere. Your mine, and if she wants to try to remove me from being with you then let her try. I'm not going anywhere, and I will kill anybody who touches what is mine." she retorted as she kissed me deeply. 

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