Chapter 54

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Devin POV

Gunner has been hounding me about letting him take control. Something about how I am not keeping my guard up. Something has been bugging me but Lillian is right, Amelia is dead. She isn't coming back. I argued with Gunner for half the night about why he attacked our own pack, and how Lil would never forgive us if we hurt her brother. He never gave me a reason, just ignored me when I brought up the attack on our own people. It seemed like I only slept for a few minutes before light broke through the curtains. I growled, not wanting to get up but knew if I didn't somebody would be barging up here, making me get out of bed anyways.

Flipping on my side, I reach for Lillian to find nothing but an empty bed. I jerked up, my heart racing as my head snaps in every direction to look for her. I feel through the bond, knowing that she is alright I get dressed quickly and walk down towards the kitchen. My feet hitting the last step, I paused to find her on the sofa with Leon, Tye and Ray watching TV. Her laughter fluttering to my ears. I sigh, the sound so pleasant, it has been quite some time since I heard her laughter. Stepping down the last step, I turn the corner and lean on the wall watching her smile and joke with them. Something must have been funny from the movie they were watching for she kept pointing toward the TV and mimicking a scene to Leon. It wasn't till Leon jumped up and done the same when they noticed me there.

Lillian smiled, I walked over lifting her up and taking her seat and forcing her on my lap. Kissing her shoulder as she continued talking with Leon. I sat there, admiring her smile and laughter as she made fun of Raidon's fear of scary movies. "You know Luna, the last time we watched The Conjuring, Ray here would not go too sleep without the light on." Tye said as he busted up laughing, slapping Ray in the chest. I couldn't help but laugh at those idiots that were meant to be some of my best warriors. Shaking my head, Ray stood up screaming, trying to defend his actions. "It's alright Ray, everyone is scared of something, yours is just ghosts - even though you are a werewolf." Lillian said as she smiled at him softly. "But don't worry we won't watch anymore ghost movies when your near." she chuckles.

I sat there with Lillian and the boys for awhile before they finally had enough of making fun of Ray. "Sorry Luna, got to go out and patrol now. Not to mention, Alpha there looks like he is about to bite my head off for not doing my job." Tye exclaimed as he grinned at me. Staring at him I growled, not liking he brought me into this conversation.

They laughed at that before leaving the house. Leaving me alone with her again. Taking my chance, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close, kissing her cheek then her neck. I felt her relax against me but kept my lips on her skin. Listening to her breathing slow, her heart rate beating in rhythm to mine. "Let me up." Lillian growled as she pushed off my thighs. Her head whipping around to look at me when she collapsed back on my lap. "Devin!"

Smiling at her, my grip loosened, letting her rise to her feet. She proceeded out towards the kitchen, I followed closely behind her. "So what's the plan for today?" she asked in a pleasant tone of voice, as she poured a glass of lemonade from the pitcher on the counter. I glanced over my shoulder. A dark haired man with piercing blue eyes was standing in the doorway of the lounge. The door hadn't even closed properly yet. His long black coat hung on his shoulders, and his tie hung loosely around his neck. He wore a pair of designer sunglasses that covered his face. "Who the fuck are you?" I growled, shoving Lillian behind me.

She gasped softly, then pressed her palm to her heart. My hands balled into fists at my side, ready to attack. I tried to control myself, but I could feel rage bubbling up inside of me, and I wanted nothing more than to lash out. A surge of anger made my body shake as I clenched my jaw, struggling to suppress it. I had no idea who this guy was or where he had come from, but I wasn't taking any chances when it came to Lil safety. I let Gunner come forward as the guy leaned against the doorway. "Now settle down Alpha. I'm here to give you fair warning. Luna here has made some terrible enemies and I came to warn you that one day soon she will have no choice but to go against them," the man said. He stepped closer, forcing me to take several steps backward.

"What did you just say?" Lillian demanded. Her hand reached out slowly, and rested upon my arm, holding me back. My body shaking terribly wanting to shift and tear this asshole apart. How dare he threaten my mate.

"Luna will have to make a difficult choice, she will not know when or where but it will truly define if she is a true Luna." the man laughed as he stepped closer. Before I could get a grip on control, Gunner lunged at him, missing him and smacking into the wall. "I do not blame you, Alpha, but you must be aware, if Luna here chooses wrong, it is all your fault." He whispered. His words were almost drowned out by the roar of my blood rushing through my veins. I took another step backwards towards Lillian. I have had enough of this nonsense, by the time Shawn and Paul arrived the man disappeared. I didn't even see him leave, he just vanished.

Turning around Gunner nudged Lillian, smelling her to calm himself. Shifting quickly, I stood up, pulling her close. "It's okay. It's okay." She was shaking and fear poured from her. How the hell did that guy even get onto my territory without me knowing? How the hell did he just vanish into thin air. "Vampire!" Gunner yelled in my head pressing for me to organize extra patrols.

Shawn and Paul stood at the doorway, looking rather confused at why they were called. "What happened Alpha?" Paul asked. Walking over to them, I grab ahold of Paul's arm and pull him out of the room away from Lillian. "We had a visitor here... I believe it was a Vamp... he pretty much threatened your Luna." I stated looking at both of them. Paul growled low, Shawn stepped up laying his hand on Paul's shoulder. "For now on, nobody leaves her sight! You two are my best warriors here. Whenever I am not with her, you two better be!" I ordered as I walked back into the kitchen with Lil.

Paul left the pack house, no doubt to go warn his mother and father. Lillian sat there on the stool with her head in her hands. I felt bad, knowing she just witnessed an intruder on the pack lands and I couldn't even tell they were even here. "It's going to be okay Love." I whispered as I held her close. "He only wanted to scare you, don't let him control you like that." I tried to calm her down, wanting my happy Lillian back. She looked up at me, her lip quivering. "But... he he got on our land and you didn't even notice." I kissed her temple, knowing how scared she was. "Don't worry about it too much, he will never get anywhere near you. Wherever you go, I go. Now come on, let's get something to eat."

Shawn walked into the kitchen behind the counter, pulling out the food that Paula fixed earlier. Flicking on the kettle, I started to make coffee. We sat there eating, not saying a word.  

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