Chapter 50

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Alpha Brock's POV

The agonizing pain of the hell my mate went through from being stripped of her title to the torture that the council put her through, it was getting to me. I wanted to rip my heart out, the pain killing me slowly. They will pay for this! I know I shouldn't give two shits about Amelia after what she has done, using my pack to betray me for another. Unfortunately, the mate bond will not allow me to do that. The love I felt for her outweighed the hatred I should have felt.

I haven't seen her since the council hearing, but feeling each and every emotion that was being thrown out of her was like being on a roller coaster, making me sick from the mood swings. I knew the minute she escaped the council, I could feel it within her. I don't know what the hell she was thinking going up against Luna Lillian so soon after being stripped.

But Lillian won. Now, everyone knows it was Amelia choice to leave. That I wasn't enough, or didn't want her anymore. I was the only one who had the courage to tell her the truth. That what she did was wrong. That she deserved so much more than being the omega, having nothing but her name. The fact she left and never came back to check on us made it that much worse. But now my pack and I are left without hope of getting our Luna back. Amelia is dead, and for that Lillian must pay. And there is nothing else any of us can do.

As I walked out of my room, ready to head down the hall, the doorbell rang again. I was so focused on everything going on in my life, I hadn't taken into account the possibility that someone new would come knocking at my home. A little while ago, I would have told them to fuck off and they would have just gone away. But with the news that Amelia had been killed, I had pack members to answer to. If they kept coming around here then I would just kill them and make things better.

Pushing those thoughts from my head, I opened the front door expecting to see yet another member of my pack come by. Instead, a man stood looking up at me, with an amused expression written all over his face. What the..? He looked vaguely familiar somehow. I racked my brain trying to remember him from somewhere. Then he spoke up and snapped me out of my confusion. "Hi, I hope I'm not bothering you." His voice sounded strangely familiar, like I heard it before in the past. "Who are you? Why are you even here?" I replied. My wolf growled. "Don't be rude Alpha." the man stated bluntly. "I'm simply here to make you an offer that you can't refuse." he continued. I was getting tired of talking to this guy. So far, he had only brought me a headache with each passing sentence, not helping my memory. But I figured if he was going to be blunt with me, he was going to get straight to business.

My wolf snarled at him as well. "Oh yeah, and what might that be?" I asked, growing impatient. This asshole seemed to think he could intimidate me. Well let's see how far he gets. If he thinks he can threaten me and I won't do anything to stop him, then he is sadly mistaken. The man smiled, as he pushed his way into my home. Grabbing his arm, I flung him into the wall. Stalking towards him, he stood up fixing his clothes as his eyes snapped up to mine, shining bright red with his fangs bared. A vamp on my pack lands? "Is that anyway to treat your family?" The man said as he ran his fingers through his hair. What? Family? Totally confused I tilt my head looking at him. "You seriously have no idea do you?" he stated.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Who the hell are you?" I questioned. The man clicked his tongue, annoyed that I didn't know what ever secret he was talking about. "I am Amelia's father." A loud growl left my mouth as I charged at him, wrapping my hand around his throat. "No. Don't disrespect my mate. I have no clue who you really are but I will end you if you ever talk about her like that again." I backed away, never peeling my eyes away from this Vamp. How dare he think he can accuse my mate of being a vamp. "You want revenge and so do I. Join me and Luna Lillian's pack will bow at your knees."

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