Chapter 26

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Alpha Devin's POV

The rest of Alpha Devin's pack retreated, as they dwindled in numbers from my pack, slaughtering them. "Gather all the dead. If anyone is alive, take them to the cells." I ordered through the pack link. After shifting swiftly, I headed for the pack house. Tye was dragging the bodies he had killed towards the wood line as I approached the patio. Despite him having shorts already, I was unable to locate a pair among the trees surrounding the pack lands. Leon rushed out, throwing me a pair before he began helping Tye clean up.

Upon entering the house, my eyes were drawn to Lillian. Unfazed by the blood and grime all over me, she ran over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. The way she looked at me made it seem as if I would disappear if she blinks. "It's okay, my love." I said softly as I kissed her lips. The worry and fear she felt through the bond made me realize that hiding this from her was only amplifying her feelings. I turned to face Ray, who was organizing the men where to burn the bodies. "How many of our people are injured?"

"None Alpha. A few scrapes but nothing major," he says, beginning to clean up around the door.

Grabbing Lilly's hand, I walked up the stairs towards the bedroom. Lillian was breathing heavily as she followed behind me. I needed to tell her, but I needed a shower first. Upon entering the room, I turned around to face her as I walked towards the bathroom. Her eyes were big and bright, waiting for me to explain to her what had just happened. She held onto me, with pure worry on her face. "I know you want answers... I will tell you what I know but later okay." I whispered as I kissed her forehead. Turning the shower on, I began to strip my shorts off, for all my other clothes were ripped to shreds the minute I shifted.

Turning, I saw blood smeared down Lilly's face and arms from where she held onto me. Smiling, I began tugging her clothes off. I stepped into the shower, bringing my sweet love with me. Grabbing the soap, I began to wash her body, keeping my gaze in her eyes so I didn't get too excited about her nakedness. Once finished washing her, I quickly wash myself before hopping out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around myself, I hand one over to her. She grabs it and wraps it tightly around her chest. Grabbing clothes out of the walk-in, I quickly dressed as I sat on the bed waiting for her.

If it wasn't one shit storm, it was another. Now I have to tell the woman I love that she is being targeted by Alpha Drake for reasons I do not understand. I just hope that my men left some injured so that I can question them. I waited until she was done, grabbing her hand; I pulled her onto my lap. Lillian was silent the entire time, staring off into space, trapped in her own thoughts. "Lil-" she darts to look at me, "You are aware that we have been getting more and more people attacking our pack." I sighed, god, this is difficult. "The people attacking are from Alpha Drake's pack." I just blurted it out not knowing what else to say. "I know. But why?" she asks.

I wrap my arm around her waist and lean in closer to kiss her neck. "I don't know why?" I did have a few guesses, but I didn't know for sure. Sure, she could be the true target and it has nothing to do with me. However, it could be that they wanted to get to her so that they would have leverage over me. "I really don't know. But you are what they seem to be after." I sighed.

Lillian clung to me, worry written all over her face. "Don't worry my love. You are safe here" I said as I held her close.

"Alpha we have some live ones" a voice boomed through the link. "We will take them to the cells. Do you want to meet us there or wait a bit?" One of the warriors asked as I tried to calm myself down enough not to frighten Lillian. "I will be there in a few, wait until I get there before questioning them" I replied through the link.

Laying down in bed with Lillian, I slowly relax so she will rest. I can't really leave her like this. Hopefully she will sleep so I can sneak away. "No more secrets" she whispers in my chest as she slowly drifts off to sleep as I purr to calm her.

Once I knew she was finally asleep, I slipped out of bed, placing my pillow next to her. I got dressed quickly and headed down the stairs. The cells were under the pack house and the only entrance was through the kitchen. "On my way." I said to the patrol that was down there watching the prisoners.

The cell stairs were steep. Slowly making my way through the corridor, I turned the corner to find many of the cells full. Off to the side stood my guards, as they looked straight ahead, watching them as if they were hoping they would try to escape. I knew my men; they relished the thought so that they could just snap each of their necks. I made my way over to the first cell; looking in stood a young man, badly beaten, shackled to the wall. He didn't look much older than 21 years of age.

Nodding for my men to open the cell door, I stepped in. The man growled as I approached; I just gave a quick smirk, letting the man know that he doesn't have any advantage here. Grabbing ahold of his hair, I pulled his head back so that he was looking up at me. "Why did you attack my pack?"

I stared into his eyes, trying to read his expressions. I had to give him credit; he stayed strong, refusing to answer. Slamming his head back against the wall, I walked out of the cell, grabbing one of the blades that sat on the table. Strolling back in, the man tried to escape the shackles, for he knew what was coming next. Sure, this was nothing new to me, and I wished I could take my sweet old time slicing ever inch of his body, but I needed answers and needed them quick.

"Why did you attack my pack?" I asked again as I twirled the knife in my hand. Still no reply as I stood there waiting. Slamming the knife down into his thigh, I stared into his eyes as I twisted the blade, "I'm asking you one last time. Why did you attack my pack?" He lunged, trying to escape the pain. "Fuck you!" he spat. I wasn't in the mood for slow torture today, my mate was upstairs, worried and alone. I quickly grabbed his hair, jerking his head back and slicing his jugular as he bled out quickly.

Walking out of the cell, I proceeded to the next one. "Now do I have to repeat the question or are you going to end up like your your young friend over there?" I said.

Grabbing ahold of the older man's hair, I jerked his head back, lifting the knife towards his throat. "Why did you attack?" I said as I slammed the knife between his ribs. Pulling the knife out, I lifted it into his view. "Answer me!" I exclaimed.

There was a brief pause as I sliced a chunk of his arm off and flapped the meaty flesh in front of his face. The man wailed with agony, "now I don't have all day, but my men here they will be happy to butcher you into little bits. Can make it easy on yourself if you will just tell me what I want to know."

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